The flash back

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I was walking towards the street as a car was coming right towards me. I didn't see the car though. I didn't even realize it was coming until my dad yelled to me. "Vee! VEE! WATCH OUT!!!" And then everything went black.

 I woke up in the hospital with a cast on my left arm. I remember the doctor came in with a clipboard and a sad look on her face. "Verónica." She said my name solemnly. She walked to the end of my bed and looked me in the eyes. "Verónica Marίa Lázara Martínez." She said my full name. No one ever says my full name unless something bad happened. "I'm sorry, Verónica. But your father, Gómez Marío Lázaro Martínez, won't wake up." She said with a sad look. "Wha-..." I couldn't comprehend the words that came out of her mouth. "He...What..." I started sobbing and shaking. I was frozen in my skin. It felt like my soul left my body. I thought she meant he'd wake up. But sadly, I was wrong.

 "..." I said nothing. For an entire month. I spoke to no one. Not even my own mother. Until I met Eddie. I met him while playing VRChat one boring day. I kept my mic muted because I wasn't planning on talking at all. I put my custom avatar on. It was a purple brushy with a multi-colored ruana and a multi-colored sombrero on. I got the brushy idea from yeptheboys on YouTube. Obviously.

 I remember I joined a random lobby. I think it was a Naruto world or something? I don't clearly remember the world I joined. Anyways, I joined a random world and I walked over to a big open grass area. And there stood a yellow brushy with a sombrero on. His username was EddieCholo. An old username of Eddie's. I realized that that was the username of Sauceddie on YouTube.

 "Eddie?!?!" I unmuted my mic and screamed his name. "Uh, sí cabrón?" He said as he turned around to face me. "Aye dios mío! Sauceddie! I am a huge fan!!" I said very loudly. "Ayeeee! It's nice to meet fans!" He said in his obvious Mexican accent. "Oh my goshhhh!!" I yelled as my mic was muted. I unmuted again and said "Could I maybe have your discord? I'd love to get to know you!" I said while blushing irl. "Sure, cabrona!" He said happily as he friended me. I friended him back and he messaged me his discord username and number tag.

 I friended him on discord real quick and went back to my headset and started talking to him again. "Back!" I said while sort of out of breath. "So uh..." Eddie sat there staring at me for a couple seconds. "What's your name, cabrona?" He asked while still staring at me. "Oh, sorry. I'm Verónica!" I said while holding my hand out for a handshake. A virtual one, of course. Eddie shook my hand and tilted his sombrero towards me. "Nice to meet you." He stopped for a moment. "Verónica~" He said in his seductive voice that he usually uses on YouTube.

 "What a coinki-dink!" I said happily. "My name just has to be the same name you use for your telenovela bits on YouTube." I giggled. "That is a coincidence." He said. "Verónica!!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. "Ah shit!" I yelled, forgetting to mute my mic. "Everything ok, bonita?" Eddie asked as he held his hand in front of him like he was telling me to stop and calm down. "Sí, sí! But I have to go! I'll talk to you later, Eddie!" I said quickly. "Ok. Adíos, chica!" He said as he waved with his cute little avatar. I waved back and left the world. I plugged in my Oculus and rushed downstairs.

 I saw my mom standing with her hand on her chin. She looked...Worried? "Sí mama?!" I said kind of out of breath (again). She looked at me with her eyes glistening with tears. "Está todo bien mamá? (Is everything ok mom?)" I asked her with a worried voice. "No en realidad no. (No, not really.)" She said while crying a little. "Aye." I sighed. "Tú papa...Esta muerto. (Your dad...Is dead.)" She started sobbing right there on the spot. Luckily I was an only child, so I didn't have to watch anybody else suffer. I started crying too. But not as hard. "Muerto...?" I couldn't believe it. But I kind of figured, since it had been a month of him not waking up. "I stood there, comforting my mother. "Está bien. Todo estará bien. (It's ok. Everything will be ok.)" I sat there with her for about 15 minutes until I told her I forgot about my homework that I had to do.

 I ran upstairs and sat on my bed. I held my phone in my hand and started texting Eddie, as I sat there, drenched in tears.

Author's note:

Thank you so much for reading!! Follow me on here, TikTok, and YouTube!

TikTok: nymphkristys

YouTube: VRónica / sauceyfoxy

Word count: 846

"Aye mami" *Mexican whistle noises* || EddieVR x WriterWhere stories live. Discover now