LMK OC: Puyu

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Name: Puyu (濮雨)
Name Origins: The character 濮 is the name of a specific river, and the simple, itself, can mean 'river'. The character 雨 means 'rain' or 'to rain', and can also mean 'rainy'. Put together, Puyu's name means 'River that Rains' or 'Rainy River'.

Name Origins2: The name 'Puyu' isn't her 'birth' or 'given' name. She was originally created by the Aztec Gods/Goddesses to look after bodies of water and keep them safe from people once they realized they were going to perish. When the Chinese Celestials took her to aid them, they renamed her 'Puyu', as it was easier to remember. (Her Aztec name is Chalchiuhtlicue.)

Name Preferences: When it comes to choosing between her given name or her Chinese name, she would actually prefer the name 'Puyu'. When she was created, she was named after someone who had already existed and even took credit for the things that she did because they shared the same name. 'Puyu' feels more authentic, as it's a name that belongs to her rather than the name that belongs to an already established Goddess.

Nicknames: Cue, Tepitsin Ketsalistli
Nickname Origins: To differentiate between the Goddess Chalchiutlicue, the Aztec deities would call her by the nickname 'Cue'. The only person who did not do this was Xipe Totec, who would either call her by the full name or say something along the lines of "no tepitsin ketsalistli"

Titles: Guardian of the Rivers, Guardian of the Ocean
Title Origins: Puyu watched over many waters in their lifetime, usually rivers and oceans. Specifically, she watched over the Atlantic Ocean and the rivers that flowed into it through Mexico. These titles were given to her by the Sea Goddess, who aided in her creation and gave her her name.
Title Preferences: Between the two titles, Puyu would prefer not choosing either at all. She was more fond of the rivers, as they were closer to civilization. She was more grounded. The rivers were alive and they brought life - and while the ocean was the same in some regards, it was not the same as the rivers. However, the titles given to her were only an example of the responsibility she would later feel the need to shed.
Sex: Female
Importance of Sex: Not extremely important.
Gender: Questionable, doesn't fully understand the concept.
Importance of Gender: Puyu was created by the Goddesses for a specific purpose - it was hard to really see 'gender' as something to be concerned about. (Meaning they never gave it much thought). She's likely to be considered cis, but doesn't really care for the labels in the first place.
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Herself
Other Pronouns: They/Them/Themselves, It/Its/Itself
Sexual Orientation: Mostly asexual, doesn't find most things to be sexually appealing.
Romantic Orientation: Aromantic with spikes of other romantic orientations here and there.
Aesthetic Orientation: Tends to find most things aesthetically pleasing, though leans on feminine traits.
Sensual Orientation: Doesn't have strong sensual preferences.
Emotional Orientation: Stronger emotional preference for feminine people, for some reason they feel more open around them. 
Intellectual Orientation: Stronger intellectual preference for masculine people, for some reason they have a stronger sense of figuring out what they're thinking.
Race: Aztec/Mexica
Race Knowledge: Puyu was rather disembodied from the people, and even the Aztec Gods and Goddesses. She was always isolated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, watching over the ocean life and keeping toxins from the waters. Because of that, she never got to learn about the culture of the people or even who the Goddesses that created her were. When she moved to looking after the rivers, she loved the concept of civilization and people, but was mostly at a loss. Eventually, she stopped hearing from the Gods and Goddesses, and the Aztec people died out. No one else seemed to carry on their traditions, with only calendars and architecture left behind. She continued to look after the same rivers and ocean before being scouted by a Chinese Celestial for a specific mission.
Species: Demi-Goddess (minor deity)
Species Knowledge: As stated before, Puyu wasn't told a lot about the other Gods and Goddesses. She knew she was mostly created by Chalchiuhtlicue, who also gave her the same name, and that they preferred human sacrifice over other forms of forgiveness. Puyu was never worshiped - instead her actions were seen as the will and actions of Chalchiuhtlicue, the Goddess.
Birthday: April 26th, 1500
Birthplace: Atlantic Ocean
Actual Age: 520-523 (depending on when you're saying everything takes place)
Mental Age: Early to late 20s.
Physical/Body Age: Early 20s
Deity Duties: Puyu was first created around the time the Aztec civilization was dying out. The water goddesses wanted to create someone to take their place should they some day disappear. With less people able to worship them, the likelihood of their importance was dwindling, and other deities would be taking their place. They wanted someone from their own culture to look after these waters as they would - someone who would see these waters as important as they do. Even so, they also didn't feel as though she was ready to take on huge responsibilities: she couldn't look after every river, lake, ocean, or drop of rain water on her own, and especially not as someone so young. They had to settle, and in their growing busyness, didn't even have the time to teach her about their real cultures. Instead, it was up to the people who worshipped them.

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