My weird mind/self/body/consciousness thingy

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To start off,
I see somebody's mind, consciousness, body, and self as all separate things.

Your mind is not your consciousness.
Your consciousness is not you.
You are not your body.

I'm probably going to sound like one of those insane spiritual people who are all obsessed with like demons and spirits and spirit cleansing and stuff like that. I know nothing about that stuff. I am not some genius, nor am I claiming to be intelligent for this. I am a thirteen year old. And this is just how I perceive things, and attempt to make sense of them in this nonsensical existence.

Onto how I perceive each individual thing.

I believe your conciousness to be attached to your body, but not connected. As if it's just loosely tied by a rope that you just can't cut until it's severed by the end of a life. Your conciousness is often the receiver of strong emotions. It's hard to describe how these emotions are perceived by the self, but the closest I can get is that out-of-body disconnected emotional surge. It's like it's screaming at you underwater, muffled and barely audible, but very there and very aware of itself, regardless of whether or not you're aware.

The self is, well, you. I haven't figured much out about the self yet, but I do know that it is a separate entity to the mind. It is also a separate entity to the conciousness. I can tell that it's separate from the mind because of the way that thinking works. You are constantly preparing thoughts before you think them, which is the mind working separately from the self. The mind is the preparation and execution of thoughts, while the self is the perception of simplified thoughts. Out of all the non-physical things I'm talking about, you are most aware of the self. You are vaguely aware of the mind, and it's communication with the self, but not nearly as much as youre aware of the actual self. You are least aware of the consciousness.

Lastly the body. The body is practically nothing but a vessel. It's useless and binding and stupid. Although I'm probably biased seeing as my self doesn't exactly have the greatest relationship with my body. This is my explanation for gender dysphoria. The self and the body can misalign sometimes. You are incredibly aware of the body, as I'm sure you already know. You're probably more aware of the body than you are of the self.

Here's how I think everything is formatted.

The conciousness is external, loosely tethered to the body, which is what causes the disconnect between the conciousness and the self. The mind is internal, contained within the vessel, and having the most control. The self is buried inside of the mind, separating it from everything but what the mind allows it to perceive.

So uh yeah

I think that's all for now

I will continue to reflect on this and supply updates

I am aware that I literally sound so fucking stupid but this makes sense to me ok 😭😭😭

Please ask questions if you have any, id love more to reflect on!!

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