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It won't let me put the pic for Olivia's fit but you can use your imagination and make her a good outfit.

Olivia's POV:

~gets a call~ 

" hey dad.........  seriously the villain's that your looking for are moved here in Valley View are you kidding me........... there's 5 of them now?? How?...........oh so one of them just got their super power, what's good is that they might not be able to control their power so it'll be like just fighting 4 people ........ ok finee I snoop around.........any suspects uhh I mean I could check my neighbors.........ok then Dad see you soon"

"Hey mom I'm going out" I said

"Ok hunny but be back before dinner" my mom said

As soon as I walked up to the door I went invisible

~in mind~

~I walked all the way to the Maddens house and luckily the door was open. It seems like they were moving smth in, so I was able to sneak it. I over heard them talking abt the kitchen and the fruit platter, so I went to go check that. I was feeling quite hungry to I was going to grab a banana until I accidentally pushed it and their fridge moved? Getting curiouser and curiouser I went in it it was a SECRET LAIR???? Since I was shocked I went back to being visible. Since I was so shocked I started taking pics for proof . I saw weapons and five super villain suits. 


"iii uhhh this is all dream! I was never here" I hesitated to say

AN: ima give Olivia a new power. It's smth like Wanda's ima call it blast power 

"Uh yah for you" Mr. Madden said. It seemed like he was gonna blast me with it, so I had no choice but to blast it out of his hands. And I took a quick look to Colby and I could see the hurt and betrayal in his eyes so instead of admitting everything I just used my mind control to make them forget abt everything and before they were back to that moment I went invisible to escape. Went immediately home.

"Hey um dad....... I found the villains...........but if I tell you will they get hurt...........oh uh ok's the Maddens ......... I went invisible and went to their house and found a secret lair and saw the villain suits............. ohh yea I can use my mind control and if it doesn't work can I stay at your place for a bit I'll alert you when to teleport me there......... ok bye dad" so after that I went to the maddens place. I knocked on the door and Colby answered.

"HEY WHAT ARE Y-" he said but i tried to used my mind control power to make him forget abt the incident but it didn't work so I clicked the alert button and I disappeared.

A little secret (Villain's of Valley View) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now