From the Heart

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Rose's POV

"Let's go dress shopping!" Sophie squealed in front of me.
" But I'm about to pop! These babies keep growing and I have no idea if a dress I buy today will fit in a week." I whined at her.
"Don't worry about it, we can get someone to adjust it if we need to right before graduation." She waved off my concerns.
I still wasn't convinced but decided to go along with her plans. We arrived to some specialty boutique right in the middle of the city.
"Can we get some coffee first? I'm dying here." I whined at her.
"Ok, ok there's a coffee shop right down the street, let's go there and chill out first."
She grabbed me by the wrist and hauled me down the road to the coffee shop.
*ding, ding* the chime above the door dinged.
We strolled in and walked to the counter.
I looked to my right and couldn't believe my eyes.
"Garrett?!" I squealed and ran to him to give him a big hug. Wait what is this? He smells like a vampire.
"You're a vampire?" I whisper yelled.
"You're pregnant? And definitely a mix of vampire with something else. When and how did that even happen?" He asked me, seemingly in shock.
"My god we have so much to talk about!" I was getting super excited.
"Ahem" Sophie coughed. Oh shit she's still here.
I grabbed his arm and pulled him in front of Sophie, "Sophie, this is Garrett! He was my first boyfriend. We dated right before I moved here." I grinned at her. For some reason she looked unamused.
She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to the side. "Why are you so excited about seeing your ex?"
"There's nothing between us anymore, but he is a great guy and super nice." I tell her.
"Uh do you guys want to order?" The barista asked us. I completely forgot about the coffee. I turned to him, "yes, just give us a minute please."
I scanned over the menu and ordered some fancy drink with espresso in it while Sophie ordered some basic white bitch pumpkin spice drink, yuck.
The three of us sat down and continued our conversation. I learned that Garrett is in the area checking out different universities and trying to decide where to apply to next year. Apparently he's always been a vampire but I couldn't smell it since I had my powers sealed. I told him about the events that have transpired since I've been transferred to this school.
"Wow that's wild. And congratulations on the twins." He grinned at me. It was so nice to see him again.
"It's getting kind of late and we should get going," Sophie told the both of us. I looked at my phone and realized she was right, it was already 8:00 pm and the boutique just closed. "Oh shoot, Garrett we gotta go. It was so good catching up," I stood up and gave him a squeeze and felt him leave a small kiss at the top of my head.
"Take care of yourself Rose, it's been so good to see you, too." He whispered.
We decided to head back to Sophie's house for now and try the dress shopping in a few days after school.

Colten's POV

The girls walked in and the first thing I noticed was the smell of a vampire on Rose. She walked up to me and laid a kiss on my lips, "hey baby, what were you guys up to?" I asked her.
"Oh we were going to go dress shopping but I ran into an old friend." She answered me.
"Did you realize your friend is a vampire?" I questioned her.
She laughed, "I didn't realize it when we were dating but now that I have my vampire side unlocked I could smell it on him."
"Oh your friend is a guy, and an ex?" I asked.
"Yes but don't worry baby, I love you and my other mates and you're the only ones for me." She looped her arms around my neck and pulled my head down closer to kiss me.
"You thirsty baby?" I whispered in her ear. She nodded her head. I linked my fingers through hers and tilted my neck towards her mouth.
"I'm just gonna go-" Sophie said awkwardly before she tiptoed away.
Rose bit into my neck and began drinking. I grabbed her wrist and bit into it. We both became a moaning mess while drinking from each other. We let go of each other and our mouths crashed together. I lifted her by her ass and pushed her up against the wall.
"Colten. I'm too heavy," She moaned out. I licked her neck and ground up against her. I ended up carrying her to the bedroom and throwing her on the bed. She giggled as she bounced and I crawled up on her. With impatience I removed my clothes and ripped hers off. "Colten! I don't have spares!" She cried out. "Fuck it babe, borrow my sisters. Now let me ravish your body." I licked her collarbone and worked my way down to her tits, sucking on her nipples and squeezing her heavy breasts. I gently placed small kisses on her stomach and worked my way to her pussy. I licked up her slit and began sucking on her tight nub.
She grabbed my hair hard and began grinding up and down my face until she released all over my face. I licked her clean before fisting my cock and thrusting inside her. Her pussy gripped me tightly while I pounded into her tight heat. She moaned and groaned while continued thrusting until finally I felt her pussy milking my cock. Fuck! I came with a roar, releasing my cream deep in her pussy until I finally pulled out. I kissed her head, "I love you so much baby."
"I love you too."

Joel's POV

Rose just got out of school and I was picking her up to go on a date.
"Where are we going?" She asked as soon as we were both in the car.
"Don't worry about it, it's a surprise," I winked at her. She pouted cutely but I didn't give in to her whining.
We pulled up to a park right outside of town. I grabbed her hand and led her down a pathway until we reached a small pond. I brought out a pack of crackers that I brought so she could feed the ducks while I paced back and forth nervously.
"What's the matter?" She asked me worriedly.
"Nothing baby, I wrote you something and I'm just nervous to read it." I told her.
"Whenever you're ready," she said at me expectantly, sending a reassuring smile my way. I pulled out the paper and unfolded it. My hands were shaking slightly and I breathed to calm my nerves.
I looked into her green eyes and started to read it:

Ever since I've met you, I've been overwhelmed with your love and beauty that graces me every day. Your love consumes me like a raging fire and your beauty brings me to my knees. I'm blessed by the gods to have you as my lover, I can't wait for you to be my wife someday and for us to have a whole house full of kids. I know I'm not the most expressive with how I feel so I wanted to write down a few words to try to tell you. You have my entire heart and soul and I'd give everything just to see you smile. I bought you this promise ring to show you my devotion. I ask that you wear it and think of me. I love you Rose, forever and always.

I looked up from the paper and saw tears streaming down her beautiful face. I walked to her and gently wiped them away. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a silver ring that has a red ruby shaped like a heart and surrounded by small diamonds.
"Will you wear this promise ring?" I asked her nervously.
She smiled through the tears, "of course, I will always wear it!" I smiled back at her and helped her put it on.
"I love you too, Joel." She whispered before our lips crashed together.

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