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"Oh Darkest Mother of purest sin, deliver us to peace. Punish those who go against our faith, those who would seek to harm the Imperium. Protect your prophet, Purfa, Matron of Sin, Evil, and Torture,"

On the first day of Plaso, the foundations of the Aerisan Government changed forever. Castilla of House Argon; Lady of Valenguard and Custodian of the Silent Grove, took the Throne of the Right. A position that was taken up by men and men only. The controversy around not only this ascension to such a prestigious position but also the trial around the murder of Castilla's father, Vasal of House Argon. The trial was ruled in Castilla's favor and the Grand Archon granted her the position of Right Hand.  

"Oh Heavenly Father of  Life, Death and the Plains. Allow me to save my family, to leave this cursed place and begone from the corruption that has struck our court. Please, Jurta, Father of Life, Death and the Plains,"

When the Lords and Ladies of Aerisai were told to swear fealty to Castilla and the Grand Archon, many did not. Some refused to bend by to follow the Grand Archon, other's declared rebellion from the shackles of the Grand Archon. This rebellion has put half of the Empire into a war with the other half. It was not only take soldiers and magic to win this war, but intrigue and courtship. 

"Acharo, Jester of the Gods and Messenger of Prophecies. Warn me, warn us, what is to come. I shall not go forward without your guidance,"

The question remaining is... who will win and will Aerisai fall?

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