Chapter IX

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*Natalie POV*

April 1st, 2013

I had invited Max to the MXGP of Netherlands and I was with Sabrina and Sam talking while we watched Nico, Josh, and some of the other guys play football while waiting for the race. I kept glaring over at the entrance to see if I could see Max so I could sneak away from the pack to greet him.

At a point Nico started chasing after Josh and like any good friend would he used me as a human shield to prevent Nico from getting him. I then spotted Max and his dad enter. I knew his dad didn't like anything to do with the Heisenberg so it was surprising he went to a place that had seven Heisenberg's including, granddad, grandma, our mom, our uncle, his wife, Nicolas, and me.

"Stop using Natalie as a human shield," my uncle Christian said to Josh, "Jewelry you two, I'm going to give them to your mom so you won't lose them," I took off my two necklaces and two bracelets, one of them being from Max and handed the to him and Nico handed him the two necklaces and three bracelets he was wearing.

"Go on the riders' parade is about to start," He said motioning us to get going as I locked eyes with Max for a split second before Nico grabbed my hand and started running towards the trucks.

We sat in the back of a truck with Klaus while Josh, Sam, and Sabrina went with the other two American riders.

We were chatting until the other Austrian rider joined us. Someone handed us an Austrian flag and we held it proudly when the riders' parade started and a lot of fans yelling in excitement. The truck that had the American riders with infront of us so the  fans saw me and Josh communicate via our secret sign language as he was wanted to know if we were going to have interviews before the race.

I knew the interaction was caught on camera and was going to used to ship us with each other. Like I had answered after the parade we got caught individually or together by interviewers. I was walking with Josh to get our racing suits on when we were stopped by a familiar interviewer.

"Hey, Joshua, Natalie, how have you two been doing since we last talked?" Tom asked smiling over at us and pointed the mic over to Josh.

"I'm been doing good, Tom, working hard to improve my on track and keeping my grades up," Josh said to Tom.

"That's good, what about you Natalie?" Tom asked pointing it to me.

"I've been doing great just insanely busy with all the school work I've been getting lately," I said into the mic.

"How do you think you will do this race?" Tom asked placing the mic between us.

"We have so far every year we have won this race so I'm hoping we can add another win in the Netherlands for this season," He said and I nodded in agreement.

"I'll see you two later," Tom said and we bid our goodbyes to Tom before heading to get on our race suits.

When I got to where my team was Anastasia was waiting for the guys to get changed into their race suits so I stood beside her and we chat for a bit before the boys came out and then we get to get changed.

The boys always race first and we start racing shortly after the second race so that's why we are always in our race suits when the boys are racing. We talked with our team principal before I headed to wish my brother and Josh good luck before I head to the stands with Sabrina and Sam.

I spotted my family, Seb, Kimi, Daniel, and my godparents when we got there so we headed over to where they and went to greet them and talk to them for a bit before we had to head back to with the other girls.

I tired to not make it obvious as I looked for Max while I talked to Sam and Sabrina and I spotted him and sent him a smile before the race started.

Nico had won the first race and second the on the second race and Josh got third on the first race making Nico win and breaking Josh's winning streak in the Netherlands.

We then headed to meet up with our team principals. I had a gotten pole position in qualifying yesterday and Anastasia got P3. Anastasia was instructed to get in front of Sabrina to prevent her from getting into the front with me and Sam.

My brother wished me good luck before I headed over to my bike. I wanted to get good points here so I can increase the gap with Sabrina in the championship and that's exactly what happened I came in first both races, Sam got second twice and Sabrina got fourth and third.

The six of us that got podium today were messing around while they were setting it up. It feels nice sharing the top step of podium with my brother but it felt even better winning with family present.

When we were handed those trophies we raised them in the air with smiles on our faces as Josh and Leo lifted us on their shoulders.

After everything was done with I changed out my racing suit before heading to where I was going meet up with Max.

Once I spotted him I ran to him and jumped into his arms, "Congrats mijn liefje, I'm so proud of you," he said smiling before kissing my cheek.

"With wins like these you are for sure going to win another championship," he pulled me closer into his embrace, "We should go celebrate this win."

"We can celebrate Tuesday but today and tomorrow I'm going spend time with my family and godparents as I won't see them until the term if over here," I said looking up up at him.

"That's fine have fun with your family, see you Tuesday, love," He said before smiling at me, "I think dad is warming up to you."

"Highly doubt it, he has never liked me," I said and he placed his hands on my cheeks.

"Even if my dad doesn't like you I do and I think that's all that matters," He said making me smile and I kissed his cheek.

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