Mend My Broken Heart

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  • Dedicated to Trishy Craig

Hiyaa! This is my first story, so take it easy with the criticism. My spelling might not be the best, so just bare with me. Sorry if it's not the best story. Please comment and vote.  Wish me luck xx


Chapter 1:

"Common, Abby! You don't wanna make us late again, do you?" My sister, Amanda screeched from the car.

She's such a pain. Just because I am the little sister and Amanda is older, she always thinks she can boss me around. I deliberately took as long as I possibly could, just to get on her nerves. I heard the car start.

"Hurry up, goofball! Or I'm leaving without you!" Amanda screamed from the front seat.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I replied as I ran out the front door.

*Fifteen minutes later*

Ahh! St. Albert's High. My home! At the front gate, waiting for me were my two best friends, Libby and Daisy.

"Hi Abby!" Libby said while throwing her arms around me to give me one of her famous bear hugs. Libby is a little girl with blond hair , hazel eyes, pale skin, freckles and the biggest smile ever.

"Hey Libs! How are ya?" I turned to both of them, "I'm so sorry I didn't get to catch up with you guys over the weekend. I was super busy with homework."

"Whatever! Come over here, you knuckle- head!" Daisy said pulling me in for a hug. I laughed. Unlike LIbby, Daisy was tall with red hair, green eyes, pale skin (like Libby) and her braces which she was famous for. Metal- Mouth Daisy is her name around this dump of a school. Don't get me wrong, St Albert's High is a great school, it's just that the classrooms are filthy, the teachers are crummy and the food is horrible. And just as I was about to ask LIbby and Daisy how their weekends were, Tyler Jones, hottie of the school walks past and give me that smile he has when he sees something he likes. My heart dropped.

"Hi gorgeous." Daniel came up from behind me, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me on the top of the head. His lips were warm and I could feel a smile spread across me face.

"Hey babe." I said turning around to give Daniel a proper hug. From the corner of my eye I could see Tyler walking away, head down, pushing past everyone. My life's so messed up, I thought. My thoughts were interrupted by the piercing sound of the bell.

"I'll catch up with you at break, Dan." I said to Daniel

"Sure thing, hott stuff." Daniel winked at me and was off to class

"Awww!" Daisy and Libby choired

"Oh, shut up, you two! It's not like you've never seen it before!" I scowled

LIbby giggled. "Sorry." She said with a smirk.

"Common guys, let's get to class before we get into trouble with MIss Berrum... again." Daisy said irritably.

"Yeah, Libby! Gosh, you're so immature!" I joked, trying to keep a straight face. LIbby poked her tounge out at me.

Unfortunately, for me Daniel isn't in my class. Another unfortunate thing is that Tyler is. I don't get why people want me to go through this pain.

We got to class and I am seated between thetwo weirdest people in my class. Because my last name is Hannan, I am seated between Roger Gray and Selma Howard. Roger and Selma are an item so all during roll call they are sending mushy- lovey- dovey notes and making kissy faces across the table. Luckily for Daisy and Libby they don't have to sit next to weird people.

Miss Berrum started to call out the roll but I was too bust focusing on Tyler. His long blond floppy hair, his ocean blue eyes, dimples, deep sexy laugh, abs, defined body.

"Abby! Abby! ABBY!" Shouted Miss Berrum.

"I'm here!" I screamed in shock.

"Abby, dear. Would you care to share with the class what you were staring at?" Miss Berrum said.

I felt my whole face go red and Tyler's eyes were on me. The whole class was waiting for an answer.

"Well?" Said Miss Berrum.

"I.. I... Well... I was just... Uhh..." I stuttered

"Staring at Tyyyylllllerrrrr!" Holly shared with the class.

The whole class went up in a roar of laughter and Tyler put his head on the table in embarrassment.

Holly. How I hate that name. Holly is the queen of evil and the Devil's side woman. Her straight black hair tied up into a messy side pontail, her blue eyes in slits as she glared at me. Her make up put on to make her look like an angel to everyone except for Libby, Daisy and me. All the boys worshiped her her as if she were a goddess. That's the way things worked around here.

The bell rang and boy, was I glad. As I was packing up my things Holly came past and said in my ear "You better stay away from my man, or else!" And with that, she left. Holly was able to do anything, to anyone without getting caught. Now I was scared. I mean, Holly wasn't acctually going out with Tyler, although she wishes she was. But he'd never go out with someone like her... Would he?

Chapter 2:

I left homeroom and made my way down to art. As I slowly made my way down the hall a pieceoh folded, blue paper caught my eye. I bent down and picked it up and strated reading what was on it:

It's her. The girl of my dreams. She's slipped out of my hands. Can I get her again? She walk like an angel. She looks like a princess. Can I get her again?

It was the strangest note I had read.. Suddenly Tyler came pass and stopped, staring at me. I looked right back at him. He held out his hand and said to me, "Thanks for finding my note. Can I please have it back?" I could see the look on his face was desperation, so I handed it back to him.

"Thanks." He said as he took off back down the hall.

When I got to class I went to sit down next to Daisy and Libby. Libby lent over to me and whispered "Brandon told Rachel, who told Sarah, who told Shanna, who told Louise, who told Daisy, who told me that Tyler just came up to you in the hallway and started talking to you. What's that all about?"

I looked across the room to Tyler and caught his eye before he bent his head back down. I turned back to Libby and Daisy and whispered to them, "I found this note in the hallway. t said something about the girl of my dreams has slipped out of my hands, can I get her back.. Mushy- gooey stuff. Anyway, Tyler came up to me and said it was his. And took it back. That's all."

"Oh my gosh, Abby! So, what you're saying is he likes you?" Libby said.

"No, that's not what I'm saying at all.." I replied

"Libby! Abby! Keep quuiet, please!" Mrs Taylor declared. 

"Talk to you in break.." I whispered to Libby.

As the bell rang for break I quickly walked out of the class to the usual place where Libby, Daisy and I sit. I could see Daniel waiting for me.

"Hello sexy." Daniel said kissing me on the cheek.

"Hi Dan." I replied quickly.

"Are you ok, babe? Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, just hungry I suppose.."

I could see Diasy and Libby trailing down the stairs so I ran back to meet up with them. "Listen guys, what happened with that note and Tyler.." I started to eplain.

"Don't worry about it," Daisy said "We know it meant nothing-"

"But he so likes you!" Libby butted in.

"He does not!" I argued.

"Well, who else would he be talking about? I mean you've been his first and last girlfriend." Daisy inquired.

"I don't know, guys! But I don't want him to like me. It's just going to cause more complications then there already are.." I answered

Daisy and Libby decided not to bring it up again and we all went and sat down to eat our lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2012 ⏰

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