Chapter 4

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Like everyday, she was sanding in the kitchen thinking about what to make for dinner. Suddenly the door bell rang making her flinch a little .
"Hina, baby can you open the door. Mamma is cooking." she called her daughter who was upstairs. As soon as she complete her sentence, Hina ran downstairs and opened the door revealing her Dad.
"Mamma Appa is back" she shout back to let her mom know that her Father is back.
"Taehyung came this early today?!" she asked to herself . Taking a glass of water, she walked towards the living room where her husband is.
"here. Have some water." he took that glass silently without saying a word.
"What happen Tae? Anything wrong?" y/n asked out of curiosity. She can tell something is wrong by looking at his face.
"Y/n, for the first time, I lost a deal. Can you imagine?! I! The KIM TAEHYUNG!! Lost a deal just because my own employee betrayed me." now that's too much information. Too much shocking news. First of all, TAEHYUNG never lose a deal. Second, his employees are the best. They can never do something?! That's all she is trying to clear.
"Are you sure Baby? Like, they never did such a thing before. Why now?" she said sitting beside him on the couch.
"princess, can you go back to your room? I want to talk with eomma." Taehyung asked his daughter who was playing video game in her mom's phone sitting on the same couch as them. She nodded before leaving with the phone.
"Now spill everything. What happened there?" she asked putting her hand on his.
"Y/nah, Mr Song, you know him right?" he asked as she nodded her head in a positive way .
"as he is the project director, he has to prepare everything for today's meeting. But he handed a different Project to Yerin than the real one. At first I thought that was a mistake by him. But later when I went to him to ask he said he gave the right project to her. And blamed on that poor girl. Such an Asshole." he said showing his anger to her.
"Calm down Tae. Think properly. Why he will do this? He works for you for 2 years. Never did anything wrong before. Then why now? " she said trying to understand what is the reason someone would betray him.
"I myself don't know baby. To be honest I can't suspect anyone as they are too good towards me. " he took a deep breath before speaking again.
"the matter is I lost the deal."
"And it's not a big deal. Taehyung remember, when you first build it, the company was never in a good term. Your hard work made it better and now it's the best. Don't worry. Everything will be fine." she said as he nodded his head slowly. Putting his head on her shoulder, he spoke again.
"Baby, wanna go on a date? "
"a date?" she asked him to make sure she heard the right thing only.
"Yup. Date. Only you and I. It's been a long time. Since Hina born, we usually go to a family date or something like that. I want to spend some alone time with my wifey. Can I?" she chuckled hearing his cute confession.
"I will call eomma to come over tonight. She will take care of Hina while we will be on date. OK?" she asked him for confirmation if she can call her mother.
"can not we just send Hina to Eomma's house? Like.... Mmm.." he hesitated a little before saying it finally.
"we might ended up doing something unholy and we definitely don't want to make both eomma and Hina's ear to bleed." he said with a playful smirk.
"Shut up Kim Taehyung. We are not doing anything unholy! " said demand before getting a peak on her lips.
"Baby it's been long we did it"
"Yeah 3 weeks is too long for Kim Taehyung. I got it." he laughed out hearing her.
"Ok then get ready and I will go make princess ready to go to her granny's house. " he left from there after peaking on her lips.

Both Taehyung and y/n were sitting in their on their site and watching the performance of the kids. Next turn was there little daughter's .
"I'm so excited to see how my daughter will perform" y/n said with the biggest smile on her face.
"I'm excited too. But at the same time nervous as hell." Taehyung said while biting his nails. Looks like he will ended up eating his own fingers.
"Stop it Tae. Looking like you are going to dance. Don't worry, I taught her everything perfectly. She will do the best performance." she said like the confidant mother she is.

"Now, the next is Kim Hyuna(Hina)" everyone clapped as Hina's performance started. Slowly the lights of the stage went low. A beautiful voice of a kid can be heard. Yes, she is singing.
"oww, this kid is amazing." a lady said looking at her face . Y/n and Taehyung both smiled hearing her as she was just sitting beside them.
"I told you, she will do the best one."
"I'm feeling so proud baby. Our daughter is singing. She has an angelic voice like you." he whispered in her ear who is looking at her daughter.
"You have a Oceanic voice in which I can drown, Mister Kim." she whispered him back looking directly in his eyes.
Suddenly his phone rang making both of them flinched.
"Hello. Yes -wh--, ohk. I'm coming." he finished the call just in 2min.
"What's wrong? You look, worrid?" she asked out of concern. She can say that he is stressed all of a sudden because of the call.
"Baby, I have to go right now. It's important. I got a call from my office." he said with a sorry eyes.
"Ok. Then you should go. Why are you still sitting here?" she is confused why he is still sitting like he has nowwhere to go?
"Amm-Hina,she will be upset if she finds out I'm were not here." he was true though. Papa's princess.
"I will manage like I do always. You should get going." hearing her he finally stood up from his seat and left while y/n just took a sigh.

He stopped his car in front of the huge building that he made with his blood sweat and tears. Not only his but his wife's too. Stepping out of the car he walked inside the building as each and every employees of him bowed down. Soon he walked into the elevator which helped him to reach to the top of the building in few minutes where is his office .
"I'm here." he said opening the door of his luxury cabin.
"You are under arrest Mr Kim Taehyung"

To be continued

As I already said it's a rewrite part of the story, so it will change a little to make it better than previous version. But the moral of the story will be same.

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