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Never forget who you are, Where you came from, who brought you into the world, or in my case Who created you. Let me start from the beginning my name is Neo Sonic I am a reprogrammed Metal Sonic not just any Metal though I am the original, The First Metal Sonic. I was built by Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik to be Sonic's perfect replacement his better in every way. You see I had two things none of Eggman's other creations had. A heart and free will. I was completely different from them I could think for myself but I couldn't act on the thoughts though I could only do as my programming allowed I was ready to beat him. Stardust Speedway was the perfect place to prove that I was the better Sonic I felt deep in my circuitry a burning desire to let my engine roar Eggman had noticed my twitching fingers and the low hum of my jet "Go." I heard him say as I looked at him "Go take a couple of laps I want you at your peak when that loathsome hedgehog gets here." I threw my engine into action and blasted off down the track imagining myself beating Sonic at his own game when I had gotten back Eggman was laughing I saw Sonic something in my programming made me taunt him and mimicked a gesture that he always did and then we both took off I got ahead of Sonic quickly but I underestimated him he sped pass me so fast I felt a sonic boom he was going supersonic I sped up to match feeling the pressure of the sound barrier building up as my engine was being pushed to its limit I kept going even though I couldn't feel physical pain I could feel mental pain and I felt my body starting to tear itself apart from the immense speeds I was reaching unfortunately Eggman had forgotten to add what the organics call "Brakes" to my systems and I crashed into what was meant to stop Sonic I was somehow still functional though it didn't show. My audio and visual sensors were still collecting data despite the damage I heard my former master cursing his luck. I later found myself inside a repair chamber I would go on to face Sonic several more times only to get defeated every time Eggman created more versions of me improving them with each new design but I remained completely unchanged I had figured out that I could put my consciousness into the other Metal Units however I couldn't control them I could see and feel what they did. It all changed when Eggman was overthrown by a new and more powerful version of me it called itself Neo Metal Sonic I logged the name Neo into my memory banks I liked how it sounded I watched as it transformed itself into a monstrous version of itself to beat Sonic I found myself silently rooting for Sonic to win. The Unit was defeated and Eggman put it into a stasis chamber to quote "Keep him on ice." And make sure it never reactivates I managed to get out of my repair unit and go to the other Metal Unit I had hacked the Chamber to upgrade my body giving a better look and more streamlined design not to mention a much stronger engine I dismantled the irritating copy of me Useless I thought as I adapted its technology into my own body where I learned this idiot copy was made from something called NanoMetal an alloy capable of mimicking other things allowing this inferior copy to use skills from whoever it scans I adapted the same scanner that it has so that I could face Sonic on equal footing. I blasted out of the base I was in having destroyed my transmitter so that Eggman couldn't track my location because I wanted to fight Sonic on My terms so I started searching for him along the way I saw him do things that I wanted to do if I was organic I copied Sonic's abilities first and foremost since I was supposed to be his better I then copied the powers of Sonic's friend and rival Knuckles because his strength and durability would help me greatly followed by Shadow a creation of Eggman's great grandfather Dr. Gerald Robotnik then Sonic's time traveling friend Silver and his feline friend from an alternate dimension Blaze and finally a Robot from Eggman's army E-123 Omega an E series robot who had turned on his creator for unknown reasons and who was for all inattentive purposes a walking arsenal. I found Sonic and rushed at him to engage in a fight to finally beat him I thought I was giving my all but I realized that I was holding back as if I WANTED to lose and I did I fell from the sky and crashed into a jungle I used an ability I copied from a Jackal who called itself Infinite moreover I copied the powers of the gem in his chest an object I learned was called The Phantom Ruby I created an illusion of a rock around me so I could make repairs in peace that was when a scream hit my auditory sensors I rushed to where I heard it. I stopped to see a more grown-up version of the hedgehog girl I kidnapped years ago Amy Rose my memory files said I looked to see what she was screaming about and saw it. Another copy of myself albeit a crude version I attacked it with my one functional arm and destroyed it afterward I used my NanoMetal to absorb it into myself and doing so completely repaired all my damaged systems. That was when Amy hugged me telling me "Thank you for me Sonic! I thought I was a goner!" I wanted to attack but I felt hesitant I quickly blasted away from her to clear my thoughts. I stayed in the jungle for countless days though my database kept track of each second that passed by I had come to realize that I was no longer under Eggman's control and I could do whatever I wanted but not only that but I could think and feel it dawned on me that Eggman had made a critical mistake in designing me somehow I had gained sentience I was aware of myself, my surroundings, and my thoughts. Then I heard an odd sound coming from my chest I put my hand over the intake valve for my engine and I felt something creating what I could only describe as a Heartbeat though it was just my systems running it sounded just like a Heartbeat. Sonic found me exactly forty-eight days, six hours twelve minutes, and thirteen seconds after I had rescued Amy and my last defeat we stared at each other for a good long while before he asked: "Why'd you help Amy?" I didn't have an answer so I shrugged Sonic then helped me stand and said "Follow me I know someone who can help you finally talk." with that said I watched as Sonic raced off I kicked on my engine and followed him where I met somebody who I'd later see as a foster father to me Miles "Tails" Prower he gave me a voice box and upgraded my software on top of removing any remaining remanence of Eggman's programming allowing me to be free of him permanently and installing a failsafe just in case Eggman did try to take control of me again so that's where I am now living happily with Amy who I've come to call Rusty due to her fur and spines having taken on a kind of reddish brown coloration a stark contrast to her normally pink colors and I work for theGuardian Units of Nations or G.U.N. alongside Shadow, Rouge, and Omega. I am also part of the Resistance along with Amy, Silver, Blaze, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and a few others whose names I haven't learned yet.

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