Another one

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Goofy Dude

There was a little goofy dude

And he was so silly

Was always in a goofy mood

He couldn't be serious

Even if he wanted to

Just a little goofy dude

Always in a goofy mood

He felt so funny

He might just call ya' bunny

Say it was a little goofy act

Cause he's just a little goofy dude

Some might say he just a goofy dude

And it wasn't even a goofy mood

Cause he was making jokes

And always playin' round cause he could

Cause he's just a little goofy dude

Always in a goofy mood

He felt so funny

He might just call ya' bunny

Say it was a little goofy act

Cause he's just a little goofy dude

Never could keep a straight face

Always goin' at a super sonic pace

Always thought of everything as a race

If you ever asked he said that he was sorry

He's just feeling a little funny

He's in a little goofy mood

Cause all he is

All he is

Is a goofy little dude

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