The mission!

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Hey guys so this is my first fanfic and I hope you like it! Ok here we go! 😁🐉💕
Normal POV:
The Fairy Tail guild. Home to probably the noisiest bunch of idiots in the whole of earth land!

It was only the start of the afternoon and they had already had: 6 damage complaints and 3 people injured (from fights in the guild -__-)

However despite the joyful atmosphere there was one thing that was out of place... And that was a certain salmon haired Mage, who was sitting in the corner head in his hands.

Lucy's POV:
I was sitting at the bar talking to Mira about the problems everyone's caused today.
"Hey Mira?" I asked curiously.
"What is it Lucy?" She replied with her sweet signature smile.
"I just realised that all of these problems that the guild has caused today...have nothing to do with Natsu!" She looked at me surprised.
" Oh yeah, I haven't seen him since this morning."
"I wonder where he is?..." I placed my hand on my chin and looked around the guild.
"There he is!" Mira said almost shouting. -_-

Natsu was sitting in the corner with his knees pressed up against his chest and head between his hands. What was wrong with him? And we're was Happy?

I thanked Mira for the drink and slowly walked toward Natsu.
"Hey...Natsu? Are you ok?"
"..." No response.
"Natsu nothing's gonna get better if you don't talk about it!" I pout
"..." Nothing again.
"Ugh" I sigh and slide down the wall next to him copying the position he was in.

I look at him with worried eyes and try to see his face, however his long scruffy hair was in the way blocking the view. Suddenly I hear muffled snores coming from him!...
"Wait a minute! You got me all worried for nothing, and you were actually just having a nap!!" I yelled making Natsu jump out of his skin falling sprawled across the floor.

He sat up.
"Geezz Luce! What the hell!" He moans in a childish wine.
"Why where you sleeping in the middle of the guild hall?" I growl
"Oh sorrryyy I didn't know there was a law that I couldn't sleep here!" he replied mockingly.
"Oh what ever!" I sneered back.
"Anyway are you ok? You seem out of it today, what's up?" I asked after I regained my composure.
"Oh it's nothing it's just that lately I've been having some trouble sleeping and so I don't really get some shut eye." He said rubbing his eyes.

I felt sorry for him, and so patted his head. "Well I think I might know what will make you feel better!" I smiled happily.
"What's that?" He asked curiously
"A MISSION!" I cheered
"Haha might as well I need some cash to buy Happy some fish!" He chuckled.

I laughed and ran towards Erza and Grey.
"Hey guys what about a mission!" I say jumping up and down.
"Yes that sounds like fun, it's been a while since the group went on one." Erza said in her ever so polite manner.
"Sure! It might be fun to watch flame brain screw up." Grey laughed.
"WHAT WAS THAT ICE PRINCESS?!" Natsu yelled from across the hall.
As quickly as the argument began, it stopped. Erza crashed both there heads together making them scrunch there faces in pain.
"If you guys don't pack it in on this mission, I swear I will do more than just bash your heads in GOT IT!!" Erza declared, making both boys jump up ant salute her while shaking.
"Ok so let's pick a mission!" She grinned and walked to the quest board, acting like nothing happened.
Haha well this mission is gonna be interesting... -__-
Thanks guys! Let me know what you think in the comments and pls vote it! Thanks! I hope to post every week so sorry in advance if I don't! 😅💕 - Holly x

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