Prologue: Announcement

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before we start I will say this now my writing will not be that great, so if there are typos or critiques please tell me and I'll try to fix or improve for later chapters. With that out the way, lets begin.

3rd POV

The story starts with Task force 141 returning to HQ after completing another mission. The transport they arrived in was Nikolai's personally customized helicopter and while some of them were happy to be back, some not so much, and one a little too excited.

Roach: *happily stretches his arms after hopping out* Finally, home sweet home and feels good be back with another mission completed, aren't y'all.

Soap: I would be if you weren't such maniac!

Alex: I agree, we would've been done way earlier if you didn't shoot every guard at every corner!

Roach: Hey look on the bright side no will know it was us, we got the info we were looking for, and no one got hurt.... Ok maybe a few grazes and bruises.

Jade: sighs I can't believe I'm saying this, but he has a point, we were able to get the mission done in over with little problems except that it took us longer than it should of.

Nikolai: *notices a particular group* Hey isn't that Sandman's crew. Good afternoon Sandman.

Sandman: *crew stops and notices* Well if it isn't task force 141 and from the looks of it y'all came back from a mission.

Soap: yup and we would've been done earlier if it weren't for a certain maniac. *glaring at roach*

Roach: Now now, the mission is over and done with there's no need to bring that up anymore guys and besides we take this time to catch up and stuff.

Grinch:*in a soft voice* hey isn't that Nikolai's wingman, Gaz how's it hanging?

Gaz: oh come on it was one time!

Everyone began laughing continued heading to the barracks to catch up on events from both sides. While that was happening three members that weren't with them were just watching the scene unfold.

Alejandro: Welp Ghost, you were right about them being a ragtag group but they seem to enjoy it.

Ghost: At this point I'm surprised Roach hasn't been blown up by traps despite the missions we've been being heavily armed with them.

Price: *chuckles* well I think it's because they somehow know it's him and automatically shut down as to not cause any problems.

Ghost: Still, remind me to give him a lecture about going in to a building without the care of the world.

Price: HA last time I let you do that, Roach was taped to the ceiling with his mouth taped shut.

Alejandro: *laughing with a hint of wheezing* What did Roach do to you end up like that in the first place.

Ghost: He took my mask and kept taunting me about taking it and everyone was either shocked, laughing, or just mocking me. So when I got my mask back I taped roach to ceiling and nobody knew he was up there for a good while.

Price: But to be fair y'all were slightly drunk that night so you can't be shocked he would do that.

Alejandro: *shocked* well then, let's get back to the rooms and just relax. *damn it's good thing I stopped Rudy from mocking Ghost for blending in otherwise we would've gotten into some serious trouble*

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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