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Chapter one Second Year at Hogwarts Aria's POV:Hogwarts

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Chapter one
Second Year at Hogwarts
Aria's POV:
Hogwarts. I was very eager to start another year here. My younger sister Theodosia had gotten into Ravenclaw. She had many of the attributes for Slytherin but just like my mother, she got Ravenclaw. Winnie ended up getting Hufflepuff like her sister Allie. I knew my mom would be writing to us soon. I stood in the greenhouse next to Allie. Professor Sprout came out and asked what a Mandrake was. I quickly raised my hand the same time Hermione Granger did. "Miss Staghart?" I smiled as I explained what a mandrake was. "Very good. Ten points to Hufflepuff!" Allie smiled and a boy named Josiah did the same. Draco Malfoy looked over and rolled his eyes. My arch nemesis, Blaise Zabini crossed his arms over his chest with a scoff. Hermione nodded curtly at me and Professor Sprout told us we'd be planting the Mandrakes in front of us. We were all instructed to put our earmuffs on. As Professor Sprout pulled the Mandrake out of the pot, it cried. Everyone covered their ears. Josiah jumped at the loud sound while Ron Weasley kept his hands flat on his ears. Neville Longbottom then fainted. "I see Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs." "No, ma'am. He's just fainted." Seamus Finnegan replied to the professor. She shook her head and said "yes, well, just leave him there. Seamus and Dean looked down at Neville who was out cold. Everyone then pulled out their Mandrakes. Ron held his while grimacing. Josiah and Susan Bones stared at the Mandrakes in shock. I quickly put my Mandrake in the pot, covering it in dirt. I absolutely loved Herbology and was practically grinning from ear to ear. After Herbology we had Defense Against the Dark Arts. Allie has taken a seat next to Tessie Aves. Who was known as a spunky girl and couldn't wait to play quidditch. I took a seat next to Josiah. "Hi, Aria." He said. I smiled and said "hi, Josiah. Have a good summer?" He nodded and said "oh yeah! My family and I took our annual camping trip. It was fun. My dad planned the whole thing and wanted it to be perfect. Which it was. My mom had a really good time. It was nice to spend some time with my dad." Josiah's parents were muggles. I didn't know much about them since I was a pureblood. Gilderoy Lockheart walked into the room. "He's our professor? No way!" I said in a hushed tone. Josiah shook his head and said "he's a weirdo." The two of us giggled softly and he walked over to a cage in the room that was covered by a blanket. "I want you all to take a deep breath. Don't make any sudden movements. It might provoke them!" Lockheart took the blanket off the cage, revealing Cornish Pixies. "Cornish Pixies?" Seamus laughed. "Freshly caught Cornish Pixies." Draco nudged Blaise who rolled his eyes. Lockheart then opened the cage, the pixies flying out. Everyone in the room seemed to scramble and push and shove. "Move!" Draco said as he pushed kids out of his way. A pixie grabbed onto my hair and my robe. "Ow!" I yelped. "Hold still!" A voice said. A thunk was heard as I watched the pixie fly across the room. "Blaise, come on!" Blaise stood behind me and I looked at him in shock. He nodded at me and ran off with Draco and Pansy. I was pulled out of the classroom and into the hallway by Josiah. "That was close." He said softly. I nodded and said "yeah.


"How are you liking Ravenclaw?" I asked Theo. She looked up at me and said "I really like it. I do wish I was with you sometimes. Or Winnie. I haven't made many friends yet." "You will. I'm positive you will. And you could always sit with us at lunch and dinner." I told her, wanting her to feel comfortable. "Hi, Theodosia!" A girl with blonde hair said as she walked by. Theo looked at her and said "hi, Juliette." The girl adorned a Slytherin robe and walked with Pansy Parkinson. "Hi, Pansy." Theo said. Pansy nodded to her and said "hello." Pansy then looked at me, a scoff leaving her lips. I rolled my eyes and Juliette said "I'll see you in potions. And charms." Theo nodded and the two of them walked away. "Hi, Draco." Pansy's voice said as she walked by him. Draco smirked at her and walked past us, Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise accompanying him. They honestly looked like a gang. Theo sighed and said "I'm gonna sit with you guys at dinner. I'd sit with Juliette but I'm not sitting at the Slytherin table." I took my younger sisters hand and the two of us walked towards the Great Hall. "BLAST YOU, WEASLEY! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!" Filch screamed. The laughter of the Weasley twins entered the air as they ran past us. Theo stared at them as they threw a dung bomb back behind them. I pulled Theo out of the way as the putrid smell entered the air. "Gross!" "Ew!" Students exclaimed. I navigated my way through the students while holding onto Theo's hand. "What the fuck happened in there?" Winnie asked as she looked at the students scrambling around. "A dung bomb. Courtesy of Fred and George Weasley." I replied. Theo smoothed out her skirt and said "Fred and George?" Winnie nodded and pointed at the twins. "Come on." Winnie grabbed Theo's hand and I said "don't bother them." "I wanna meet them. They're so cool." Winnie pulled Theo over to the twins that were walking into the Great Hall. I shook my head and went to walk to the Hufflepuff table. Allie looked at Winnie and said "what is she doing?" "Bothering the Weasley twins." Allie chuckled and said "they need to leave those boys alone." I watched Fred shake Theo's hand enthusiastically. She practically almost fell over. Winnie expressed how cool she thought they were and George shook Theo's hand gently as if she'd break. Winnie pointed to Allie and I. The twins waved and I waved back. Allie smiled at them and said "if they end up being friends with the Weasley twins we'll have our hands full." "Oh, it's going to happen." I replied. The two young girls came over and sat down. Josiah had his nose buried in a Herbology book and Winnie knocked on the book. Josiah looked over the top of the book, his brown eyes sparkling in the candlelight. "Are you going to eat dinner or read, doofus?" She said. Josiah cleared his throat and said "I'm going to eat. Don't knock on my book." "It's not your book. It's the library's." Theo laughed softly and Josiah scoffed. "Whatever." He stabbed his fork into his shepherd's pie, rolling his eyes. I took a sip of pumpkin juice and listened to Winnie talk about Defense Against the Dark Arts. That was currently her favorite class even though she thought Professor Lockheart was an idiot. "I like potions and transfiguration." Theo said. Allie smiled and I said "I like potions too. But I really love Herbology." "The plants?" Theo said. I nodded and Josiah said "Aria is pretty good at it. Professor Sprout was very impressed." Harry Potter walked by with Ron Weasley. Winnie's mouth hung agape and Theo said "is that him?" "Yeah. That's Harry." Winnie leaned over to Allie and said "does he have the scar?" "Yeah. A whole lightning bolt on his face." "He actually survived Voldemort." Winnie said as Josiah covered her mouth. "Don't say his name! Are you crazy?!" He whisper yelled. Theo frowned and said "that must be awful. Your parents being murdered and you never get to know them. I can't imagine." Winnie threw Josiah's hand off her mouth and said "he's lucky. And he's a fucking legend. I mean, who survives Volde-" "Hush, Winnie." Allie said in a firm tone. Winnie took Allie's hand off her mouth with scoff. "Fine." Winnie replied as she turned to talk to Theo. Little did we know, the Chamber of Secrets would be opened and havoc would be wreaked.

I know this chapter is a little slow but it'll get better I promise!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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