chapter 2

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While i was walking i bumped into Christopher  we talked for awhile then Roc had call me over. He was was with a group of boys . Roc introduced me to his friends. Roc friends were pretty cool.
Roc: treahna your friends and my friends should met up
Me: um sure
Roc: ok see u later
Me: ok bye
Roc: bye
-my thoughts-
That boy is so cute. My mind just go blank when I'm around him. Ugh this is stupid got my mind stuck on one person
-After school-
Me and my friends walked to my house. Roc and his friends was on their way to my house. Me and my friends got snacks and stuff out. My greedy self kept the whole pack of chocolate chips cookies to myself. That when the doorbell rang. I ran to get the door. It was roc and his friends. I show them to the living room where i introduced the to my friends. After they left me and my friends talked
Livy: i like that boy with the afro
Me: who Princeton
Livy: yeah
Martina:i like ray ray
Ariah: prodigy was kinda of cute
Me: lol
Livy: so treahna who did u like
Me: livy you're the slowest person ik
Livy: so rude
Me: ik rite
Livy: but seriously who
Me: Roc
Livy: oh ik that. I was just making sure u knew
Livy: yeah
Me: anyways y'all spending a nite or nah
Them: yeah
-the next day-
So today Saturday and we r so bored so decided to get dress and go the skating rink. I called up roc and told him and his friends to met us up there then i called Christopher  ( oh yeah i didn't tell u me  and him talk all the time) chris said he be there then we called our other friends ronjae and ajanae. Then we all left to go to the rink
-Back at home-
We had so much fun at the rink. Livy was skating with princeton, tina with ray ray, ariah with prodigy, ronjae with August alsina, and ajanae with Chris brown, me i skating with Christopher first then with roc. I just didn't know who to skate with.
(Roc royal p.o.v)
I really like treahna but i don't know if she likes me back it looks like she is really into Christopher
(Christopher p.o.v)
I really like treahna but i kind of already got a girlfriend but treahna wouldn't but it also looks like she into Roc a lot.

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