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It was Katrina's idea.

"Why haven't you guys ever slept together?"

They were all drunk, hanging out in Sam's room after a stream.  Colby and Sam had just finished some playful argument, while Katrina curled up in her chair and watched them.

Sam was still catching his breath from laughing when his girlfriend had asked the question.

He felt something twist and throb in his gut, asking "What?" as he heard Colby let out a nervous giggle, echoing the same question.

Kat shrugged.  "I dunno," she said, "I just feel like you guys would like it."

"Katrina, we're not gay," Sam pointed out, and Colby nodded, taking another sip of his White Claw.

Kat rolled her eyes a little bit.  "You keep saying that," She said.  "But I keep finding you guys cuddling..."

"Friends cuddle," Colby said defensively, and Sam pointed at him, seconding his statement.

Katrina pretty much ignored him. "I just feel like you guys would work well.  Like Colby's got his whole dominant thing..."

"Oh my God," Colby pushed his face into his hands with an embarrassed laugh.

"And I know Sam likes getting fucked..."

"Katrina!" Sam admonished, feeling heat flood his face.

Colby moved his fingers slightly to look at Sam.  "Really?"

Goddamnit... "It feels good," Sam defended.

"I dunno, I just feel like you guys would have good sex," Kat said, "And I love both of you and I just feel like it would make you both happy."

"Babe..." Sam rolled his chair over to Kat's leaning over to kiss her.  "I love you.  I think me and Colby are happy with where our friendship is."

"I know," Kat said, and there was just such an earnest look on her face.  "I just think that, if I ever found out you and Colby slept together, I wouldn't be upset.  And as long as it didn't affect our relationship, I'd be happy for you."

"Kat..." Sam kissed the top of her head.  "I appreciate that.  But I'm not gay.  And I don't want to sleep with Colby."

"Why does everyone always think I'm gay?" Sam turned to hear Colby's complaint.

Sam chuckled, "Dude, some of the shit you used to do with Brennen was pretty gay."

"We were just fucking around!" Colby laughed.

" I even thought you might be gay for each other for a minute there..."

"God fuckin' damn it..."

Katrina laughed, and Sam kissed her forehead.

He was happy with how things were.  He was.

He didn't need to sleep with Colby.

But Katrina had planted the idea, and Sam found himself pondering it in the weeks following the conversation.

He wasn't gay.  That's what he told himself.  He was sexually attracted to Katrina, and even if she fucked him on occasion with their various toys, he was definitely only interested in having sex with her, a woman.

He told himself that, but in the weeks following that conversation he found himself subconsciously watching Colby's movements more.  When they worked out together, he'd watch his muscles tighten and move.  He'd watch Colby's hands when he was typing or writing.  He'd watch his face when they were playing video games, or just talking, or laughing.

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