Come on Learn About Me First

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Lol pov- you don't know my name yet.

Walking up to my apartment that is pretty close to my college so I don't have to wake up early just to get there. I'm at my door putting my key in door knob but then I hear an elderly voice I turned around and saw that she was kinda struggling to carry some bags upstairs, I then realized that it was Ms. Moon she's my upstairs neighbor I usually help her from time to time to carry things up stairs since she lives alone. Ms. Moon?

Ms. Moon? Oh hello Brianna dear how are you doing? Ms. Moon I told you if you need anything I'd be happy to help.
Oh stop that Brianna you have a long life ahead of you, I can do this on my own I need a little exercise anyway. Uh but Ms. Moon. In didn't I tell you to stop calling me that just call me Camilla. Okay Camil- yeah no I can't it's to weird. Sign fine but have you found a roommate yet dear? No not yet but I mean I starting to feel comfortable by myself and I definitely don't want a loud roommate ya know. haha yeah I understand ya dear well I have to get going Brianna bye. "Bye AND BE CAREFUL MS. MOON!c "I WILL".

I unlock the door letting myself in and locked he door behind me I walk over to  my desk top and sat down now looking into some more answers to my poster for roommates wanted that I had posted online to people who went to my college.

There where 10 new people 6 girls  4  boys out of 3 of the girls they seemed cool one was into sports the other into books my type of girl and the last science. The rest of the girls seemed to only care about the sizes of there room and if they could throw parties and imma let yall know imma introvert so heh definitely not haha there I go talking to myself as if others can hear me.

Well I mine as well look at the rest tomorrow there's a big day ahead well not really school doesn't start in till two weeks and knowing that gives me a big headache ugh. Might as make me some food then take a shower in go to bed.

I put me a small pizza on and got in the shower by the time I was done my pizza was quite close to also being done but an average person would probably say it was ready done but I like me pizza to be a little burnt so I decided to turn on the TV in my room and grab a soda I put on a movie then went back to check on my pizza it looked pretty good for my taste so I put on a plate with a little bit of ranch on the side. In watched the movie once I was done I threw away my plate and went to the bathroom took a pass washed my hands and went to go lay down to sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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