happy ending 💘

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Lots of people say that kisses are the sign of love. It's when two people are really attracted to each other. I thought I would never be able to feel this for anyone. The first time I thought he was the one but I just ended up is suffering. But with him it's all different.

Hyunjin makes me feel like I can be myself. He gives me this feeling of warmth. Could it be he's the one I've been waiting for all this time.

The two of them were eating breakfast. Soft and warm packed. Hyunjin had made them. He had half of his hair up in a ponytail. Felix thought that he really looked good on anything. Even the tight shirt he had on made Felix loose his mind. When ever Felix thought of something erotic and got excited  Hyunjin knew it. The small omega released small pheromones when ever he did. Hyunjin just smirked why still cooking.


Days went by. The two of them went out on dates every day they had off. After some weeks Hyunjin and Felix started dating. Days turn to months. They're first anniversary was around the corner. It had been a year of them dating. The alpha thought non stop of how to make it as perfect as possible.

This has to be special and memorable. He had everything planed. They would eat Felix's favorite dish and he would propose to him. The time came , they walked into the restaurant and set down. Hyunjin and Felix were dresses very elegant. Felix ordered they're food.

They ate in a very happy invironment. Next to the glass walls. You could see all the beautiful lights and the shining starts. Hyunjin was waiting for the perfect moment to ask. But Felix never took his guard down. He waited for Felix to drop something so he would pick it up and ask, but it never happened. He did the first thing that came to mind. He dropped the spoon and got up to pick it up. As he went on one knee. He looked up while reaching into his  pocket.

"Felix this has been the best year of my life, I want to keep loving you for the rest of my days." "I want you to be  there every morning I wake up. "

Would you make me the honor of being the happiest man alive.

"Will you marry me"


Felix eyes widen to those words. A smile apeared on his face. And he started to giggle. "How could we be thinking that same thing." Felix said with a confused but happy face. He took a ring 💍 out of his pocket. "I was planning to propose to you" they both burst into laughter. Hyunjin stood up and so did Felix. They looked at each other with smiles.

Sliding  they're rings on each other. They looked at each other's loving eyes. They're lips touch in sweet kisses.


They got married and had the biggest party ever. Felix through the bouquet of flowers. Which Han jumped to catch. As Han grabbed the flowers Minho started running.

Time went by, what they thought not to be possible happen. They were blessed with a beautiful baby boy. His name was Niki. He was as beautiful as any of his parents. But they all thought he looked a lot more like his father.

A happy ending? I wouldn't call it that because every thing continues. And so did they're happiness.

Thank you for reading this story I hope you liked it till the end. I hope to see you again at another one♡


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