xii. 🧸

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chapter 12

"Edmund, get rid of these."  Pollyanna shoved the bloody clothing into Edmund's chest.  he grabbed and studied them.

"woah, what happened here?  still cleaning up the hybrid's messes, I see.  what did he go off on this time…?"

Pollyanna raised an eyebrow.  "what do you mean 'this time?'  you know about his blackouts?"

"yeah.  when I first found him, he was walking down a country ass road with a blank stare.  and his clothes and face were covered in blood too - soaked, actually.  much like these.  he didn't respond to a thing until I walked up to his face and touched him and said something...  and even then, he hardly even seemed to know I was there."

it was exactly the same state that Pollyanna and montague found Hadley in…!

"yeah, he told me about that time.  apparently, the asshole hunter that killed his family tried to do something to him, and he turned the guy into mince meat."

"those hybrids are nothing to trifle with… they're crazy f*ckin strong."

"wait… the wendigo I met the other day said the same thing - he thought werewolf/vampire hybrids were myth or fable and that they had 'God-tier' strength… why do y'all believe they didn't exist…?"

Edmund inhaled on his cigarette. "because, decades ago, before you were around, they didn't.  in fact, they couldn't.  vampire and werewolf genes just weren't compatible.  and for the most part, they still aren't.  hadley is a mutation.  there are probably only two others in the entire world like him, and supernaturals are everywhere, even in the ocean."

Pollyanna's eyes widened.  "how did I not know this…?" she asked herself quietly.

"okay, then, I guess I'll toss these things into the furnace.  anything else you want to annoy me with, your highness?"

"no.  that's all.  thanks for the history lesson, I guess."

Hadley was special.  she already knew he was, but she didn't realize he was special in that kind of way.  mutations in supernaturals varied widely; it was intriguing that being able to be a vampire/werewolf mix was such a rare phenomenon.

"Hadley, I'm back!  where are you, honey? … oh, I see."

Hadley was back in the kitchen, rummaging around for more blood packs, Pollyanna assumed.

"sorry, Polly.  I wanted to ask you first, but… I was hungry."

"it's fine.  what's mine is yours… I'll fix you some meat to go with that.  you still are part wolf and you need a little more in your tummy than some liquid plasma."

Hadley approached Pollyanna and put his head on her shoulder.

"hm?  you wanna tell me something…?"

"… not really.  I just wanna be close to you…"

Pollyanna smiled.  Hadley was just always so cute. 

"aw, I like being close to you too, bunny."

"there's someone at the door, Polly…"

Pollyanna raised an eyebrow.  "what do you mean?  I didn't hear a knock..."

"i can smell them at the door… it's that red-headed wendigo guy… I smell a lot of blood, too.  I think he's injured."

"what !?"

Pollyanna rushed to the front door and pulled it open roughly.  sure enough, just as Hadley said, Montague sat there breathing heavily and holding his bleeding wounds together as much as he could.

"P-Polly…?  you live here??  dammit."

"yeah.  I thought you came here because you knew that."

"why would I know where you live…?"  Montague's face scrunched up and he groaned in pain. 

Hadley stood quietly behind her, saying nothing.  he hugged her around her waist.

"look, whatever.  you're injured; come in."

Pollyanna put Montague's arm around her shoulder, helping him limp into the house.  he painfully sat onto the sofa.

"sit down here.  I'll get some stuff to dress that wound."

"… okay."

Hadley sat opposite of Montague on the other couch, giving the room an uncomfortable atmosphere.  thankfully, Pollyanna made it back in good time. 

"what the f*ck happened to you?"  asked Pollyanna.  "you're in bad shape."

"one of the boss's henchmen came after me, a master assassin.  I only happened to get away by the skin of my teeth.  after the other guys got shredded by Hadley, the boss found out, and well…"  he pulled his hand away from the gaping wound in his abdomen.  "… this."

Pollyanna shook her head and didn't respond.  Hadley hadn't moved from his spot, only crossing his legs.

"there.  try not to move too much.  I did the best sew job I could, but there's still a chance for the wound to re-open."

Montague nodded.  "… thanks, Pollyanna."

"I'll wash these gross clothes," said Pollyanna, running her hand over her head.  "I could lend you something of mine, but they may be too small.  and Hadley's stuff is definitely too small for you."

Montague shifted in his seat.  "I'll just take a t-shirt if you have one available."

Hadley suddenly stood up and ran to the bedroom.  he returned with an oversized t-shirt and gave it to Montague.

"this'll do."

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