how do we start

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Tara's alarm goes off. She's at Gaga's, where she crashed the night before. Asia is laying with her, but the sudden sound alerts her as she starts barking. Gaga's in the kitchen looking at them. "Stop Asia!" She says playfully.

As Tara turns she's greeted with a smile from Gaga. "Morning sleepyhead" as she walks over in a shirt and underwear bringing morning coffee. "Good morning!" Tara says happily. "Thanks for letting me stay last night" knowing they both wanted that.

"Yeah it's no trouble, your always welcome" Gaga says handing over a cup of coffee to Tara.

Silence. It lasts for about 10 seconds.
" did you sleep?" "Good. Your couch is quite comfy...."

*Michael walks in* "hey baby!" He leans over and kisses Gaga.

Tara knew she liked Gaga in some way. But when she saw Michael kiss her, well...her heart shattered.

"Oh hey Tara" Michael said warmly. "Hi Michael." The awkward aroma filled the room. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Tara said getting up quickly.

When she got out she told Gaga she's just gonna head home.

"No! Please stay, we'd love for you to hang out!" Gaga told her as she gathered her stuff. " No it's fine. I'll see you later. I'm just gonna get some stuff at home done." As she headed towards the door.

"Ok well I better see you later. Love you!" Gaga told her before she got away.

the moment she realized Where stories live. Discover now