mm hair headcannons

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-Seven- • He probably uses 3n1 in the shower; washes it like once; his hair is probably like oily/dry combo- he just brushes it around until it sits how he wants

-Jumin- •He uses Head and Shoulders 3n1 because he swears it's the only one that makes his hair good.  He probably like combs and styles it in the morning and it just stays perfect throughout the day; probably super shiny and if you touched it it's soft like cat fur hahaha

-Zen- •He definitely bought some hair thing at the store that he just kept buying and swears it makes his hair "beautiful" ; his hair is probably super healthy but I feel like he has spilt ends on his ponytail ; probably super luscious and flowing like a horse

-Yoosung- • Definitely has been using the same brand since he was younger; styles his hair distinctly every morning and uses gel to make it stay; thinks gel makes him manly, clips it with his bobby pins

-Jaehee- • She definitely uses some like shea butter/coconut/coffee scented shampoo; something sweet like that and her hair smells really good.  She doesn't really need to style it since her hair is short, but she probably takes care of her hair a lot with hair masks

-V- •He definitely has oily hair and it's like greasy at the touch; he probably combs it and parts it every morning and he uses like a bar of soap to wash it for some reason

-Saeran/Ray- • Definitely smells super sweet like flowers and lavender; super super soft but kind of dead cause he dies his hair so much

-Unknown- •Doesn't wash hair- smells like burnt hair - dead hair

-Rika- •Super crackly and dry and proabbly flaky and like mold growing in it

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