Part 3

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As I walked to max'es house with a rope in my hands and a belt tied very loose around my jeans. I knocked on the door and by the look on his face, when Max opened the door, he didn't look too happy with the sight of me. Actually I swear to god he lost all his color. I quickly sacked him with my potato bag that dad gave me to wear for clothes when I was 8. Of course I didn't wear it. I brought Max to my basement and unsacked him. He let out half a scream but I quickly put my dictator over his mouth. The one dad gave me in case my clothes tore. Oh dad. How I'm gonna miss you...NOT!!!


I laughed. I think I chocked up a little shard of my heart. "Did you think I was just gonna let you go?"

I ripped the tape off his mouth. And just as I thought he would scream again he began to talk. Slowly but calmly.

"Wait....what are you talking about"

I whipped him with my belt. He let out a painful scream. I giggled.

"Not the way I wanted you to find out I loved you...but oh well."

"Wait. You love me?..."

I blushed. Did I just say that??? Wtf!!!

"Yes!!! But you don't care do you?!"

I whipped him again and he screamed louder. Each cry made me smile wider but grind my teeth at the same time. I loved this boy. But I can't let him live for what he has done like the rest of them...worthless...

"but i need to tell you something..." he said weakly. he looked like he was gonna trow up. great. boy puke all over my basement floor. the cops would love that...

"what? you wanna tell me how pathetic i am? i wouldnt even open your moth a little cause if you do you'll get a big mouthful of my fucking belt! understand?!"

"but...i lo-love you..."

i blushed. like 50 shades of red. what did he just say??? i thought. this couldn't be happening...


i whipped him so hard he chair fell to the floor. his hands were tied. so he couldn't stop himself from dieing. not this time. i heard a loud crack. then came the blood pouring out of his head.

as soon as his body had stopped moving i began to cry.

"what have i done!?"

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