4: Gardening

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Y/N's POV:

Me and Mary was outside in the back yard. he had just returned from a mission, and I thought he needed a break. So I bought a bunch of flowers we could plant together, since he had always wanted a little flower garden.

We were planting some Chrysanthemum and some Marigold when I heard a Meowing From the neighbor. I looked over the fence to see Katie petting a little fluffy black Kitten.

"I See you've met Jupiter." I say smiling down at her. "She's yours?" Katie asked standing up with Jupiter purring in her arms

"my tharepist told me to get a support animal to hug when I get breakdowns. Cause apparently stuffed ones don't work." I rolled my eyes.

"Well? Does she work?" Katie asked putting Jupiter down again. "I don't know yet, haven't had a breakdown in a while." I shrugged looking at Jupiter Meowing for attention from Mary who was too busy with his jazz to even notice.

"That's good, right?" Katie asked sweetly. I blushed "Yeah, i guess.." I said looking down and gripping my gloved hand.

"I gotta go, I have dinner with some of my freinds later and i don't wanna be late, again.. Bye!" Katie said running inside. I waved at her.

I went over and opend the door for Jupiter to get inside, I crouched down again and started putting the flowers in the holes and putting more dirt on.

"Maybe you should wipe the dirt of your face before talking to your crush." Mary whispered. I flinched and pushed him away.

"I don't have a crush on her!" I whispered back harshly. "I saw you blush!" He said excited.

"I was embarresd..! People dont fall for eachother so fast anyways!" I said angrily. "Sure~ I tots believe you!" Mary said smugly.

"Of course you do." I mumbled angrily patting down the dirt. I saw Mary do a little dance while giggling.


I'm dead inside. LoL

322 words.. feb 20.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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