Break The Silence

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Narrator's POV:

"All of his co-workers were gone. What could it mean? Stanley decided to go to the meeting room; perhaps he had simply missed a memo." The narrator said, a line he has said a hundred times before.

It didn't matter how many times the story has been reset, Stanley still stood from his chair and exited his office in hopes to find an end to the cycle. The narrator watched Stanley as he made his way through the office building, watching careful as Stanley observed every little thing in the office in hopes for some sort of clue.
Something that was wasn't there.

"No matter how hard Stanley looked, he couldn't find a trace of his co-workers."

Stanley rolled his eyes and continued looking. 'how come he never talks?' The narrator thought to himself. 'We've been here for the longest time and yet Stanley hasn't made a peep.'

"What do you hope to find Stanley?" Silence.
If the narrator had a face he would have frowned a bit due to lack of conversation. Stanley walked into the room with two doors, a room that he's seen a thousand times.

"When Stanley walked into a room with two doors, he entered the door on his left."

Stanley proceeded through the left door, following the story path; perhaps wanting a rest.

This was odd. Stanley's silence had never bothered the narrator before, why does it now? Maybe knowing that's someone was listening wasn't enough for the narrator anymore. He needed to talk to someone, no, he needed someone to talk to him.

Stanley had just barely made it out of the meeting room when the narrator spoke up, "Stanley, how about we try something new.. just this once?" Stanley looked up at the ceiling with a confused face. "Well, we've been doing this for a while... and you've been following my story, why don't we do something you want to do?"

Stanley smiled at that idea. "I knew you'd like that idea." The narrator beamed. "Well then, what would you like to do?" The narrator waited patiently for a response, hoping that Stanley would finally speak. Stanley rubbed his chin, thinking of something that he and the narrator could do. Stanley's eyes suddenly lit up as he ran back into the meeting room. He grabbed a marker and started writing on a blank white board. 'memory zone'

A wave of disappointment washed over the narrator. He wanted Stanley to speak. "The memory zone? Alright, I suppose we could go there." Stanley smiled and narrator's disappointed quickly went away. Narrator figured that he could just wait for a moment where Stanley would be forced to speak.

The narrator thought of an idea. "Yes, the memory zone would be perfect! I just remembered that I have added a new addition to the memory zone that I think you'll be fond of." Stanley looked interested in this new addition, he followed narrator's trail to the entrance of the memory zone; waiting to see what the narrator had planned.

"Just down here and through that door." The narrator lead, Stanley listened to the narrator's instructions and opened the door.

Stanley's eyes widened as he stepped into the room. It was a very big room, almost as big as a gymnasium, that was filled with memories of Stanley. Posters of Stanley hung up on the wall, placks explaining everything ending that Stanley had gotten, there was a huge area near the back that kept all of Stanley's favorite parts of the parable, the entire room had followed a yellow, grey and white color palette with the adventure line™ running all along the floor of the room.

"I call this the room of Stanley!" The narrator said, "I have this here so I never forget you Stanley, if you were to ever leave that is." Stanley looked up at the ceiling, smiling warmly and mouthing the words 'Thank you'.

"What did you say? I'm not exactly good at reading lips." The narrator lied. Maybe Stanley would speak to thank him, but instead Stanley made his way over to one of the placks. He scanned it closely then pointed out the words 'thank you'. "Oh.. You're welcome Stanley." The narrator said, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

"Why don't you have a look around, maybe mess with a few things here." The narrator said, Stanley did just that. He spent a while reading the placks and getting a good look at the posters. "Do you like this place so far?" Stanley nodded.

Stanley messed around with the different things in the room for about an hour while the narrator watched. The narrator had tried to strike up conversation but Stanley found a way to respond without talking. The narrator started to get frustrated, why wouldn't Stanley speak? The narrator knew he could but he just didn't.

The narrator thought of something that could possibly push Stanley into talking, the narrator manipulated the room and made a door without Stanley noticing. "Hey Stanley, was that door always there?" Stanley looked over and saw the newly placed door. "Why don't you go check it out Stanley. Surely it leads to another amazing room."

Stanley doubted that something amazing lied behind that door, but he still entered it nonetheless. The room was completely white and empty. Stanley cautiously entered the room just in case the narrator had planned something, once Stanley was in the room the door quickly shut behind him.

Stanley jumped slightly to the sound of the door slamming behind him. Stanley turned around and tried to open the door, it was locked. Stanley looked up towards the narrator with a confused face, wanting to know why the narrator had locked him in this small, empty room.

"Stanley, I have a question." Stanley's face still remained confused. "How come you never talk?" The narrator asked. Stanley looked shocked at the question, he then looked down and continued trying to open the door, showing that he wanted out of the room. The narrator was confused, why didn't Stanley want to talk to the narrator? Did he not trust the narrator enough to talk to him? The narrator felt slightly hurt by the thought of Stanley not trusting him.

The room fell silent, only the sounds of Stanley trying to open the door could be heard. 'Wait-' the narrator thought, 'is Stanley... mute?' the narrator stared at Stanley for a moment, feeling bad for putting Stanley in this position. "I'm so stupid, you are probably mute!" The narrator said, "I'm sorry Stanley, I'll open the door for you now." A hint of sadness slithered into the narrator's voice and Stanley heard it.

The door swung open and Stanley stepped out back into the room of Stanley, the narrator watched as he made his way back to the door he had entered from. The narrator let out a sigh and Stanley stopped. "Stanley, are you alright?" The narrator asked.

"N-narrator." The word was soft and quiet, the narrator was taken aback. "Did-.. did you just speak Stanley?" The narrator asked with slight excitement in his voice. Stanley began to nod but stopped, "I did." Stanley responded. The narrator looked at Stanley, he loved Stanley's soft voice and wanted to hear more of it.

"How come you never talked before?" Stanley was silent for a moment, then answered. "I had felt no need to. Your script doesn't exactly have dialogue lines for me..." He paused, "And I kinda got used to being silent." The narrator thought for a moment, "Why don't I add you some dialogue lines then? So you could finally have reason to speak and I can have someone to talk to."

Stanley shook his head, "no that's fine, there's no need to change the script. I could just... Talk more.. and try to break the silence." Stanley awkwardly smiled.
"I'd like that." The narrator said.

The narrator felt happy that he finally had someone to talk to. "Why don't we go back Stanley, I'd love to hear your opinions on a few things in my story."

(1354 words)

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