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3rd POV:

'There it is- the exit'. Stanley thought. The narrator sheepishly smiled, "I told you it was." Stanley took one step towards the exit and smiled, 'we can finally go back to the normal world.' The narrator remained silent behind Stanley, lost in thought and unable to move. Stanley turned around and held his hand out for the narrator, 'lets go.' Stanley smiled. The narrator stayed still looking at Stanley's held out hand, his face scrunching up with hesitation.

"I'm sorry Stanley, I can't come with you..." He said quietly, looking away from Stanley. 'what?' Stanley face was a mix of confusion and sadness, 'Why?' he thought. A wave of guilt washed over the narrator hearing the hurt tone in Stanley's thoughts, "I don't belong out there Stanley... I'm not like you, I won't be able to make it out there. Besides I need to stay here and look after the parable."

Tears formed in Stanley's eyes, threatening to spill over, 'Can't you leave the parable behind? I don't want to go back alone.' Narrator's heart felt heavy, he couldn't stand to see Stanley like this. "I'm sorry Stanley I-" 'No, I'm not leaving without you! I refuse to leave you here all alone!' The narrator was cut off by Stanley, he knew that Stanley wasn't going to leave on his own accord until the narrator agreed to go with him, but he couldn't, and Stanley knew that.

The narrator walked up to Stanley and pulled him into a tight hug, "It's going to be okay Stanley," he whispered, "you finally have your chance at freedom." Stanley hugged the narrator back, hiding his teary eyes in the narrator's shoulder. 'I can't leave you.' Stanley repeated. The narrator painfully sighed, "Then I'm sorry for this." The narrator forcefully pushed Stanley through the exit door and quickly closed it afterwards.

Stanley landed on his back on hard cement, he quickly stood up in hopes to go back but the door he and entered through was gone. He stayed still, looking at the blank alley wall in shock. His narrator was gone.


It has been years since the narrator had let Stanley free from the parable. The narrator had found himself lost and alone without the company, it was like the skip button ending, but this time Stanley wasn't coming back. The narrator sat in Stanley's old office chair feeling regret, that's all the narrator ever felt now. Regret and loneliness.

The narrator sighed, the first noise he had made in weeks. He sat up in the chair and stared at the powered off computer Infront of him. The narrator caught his reaction in the monitor and saw how unkept he looked, now that there was no one to see the narrator, he didn't bother trying to look good. "I can't do this anymore.." the narrator said to himself, "I miss him too much." The narrator's voice turned high pitched and emotional, he couldn't continue being alone like this, he needed Stanley back.

Within no time the narrator found himself in front of the exit door, the door was still closed from after what he had done. The narrator's hand shook slightly as he reached for the handle, doubt crowded his mind, 'what if I can't find Stanley? What if someone happened to him? Or what if something would happen to me?' The narrator's hand stayed still on the cold brass doorknob, he took a deep breath, 'no, I can't think like that. I have to find him, I will find him.' The narrator slowly turned the doorknob, opened the door and walked through.


The narrator walked for hours through a huge city he has never seen before in search of Stanley but couldn't find a trace of him. It was nearing the end of fall, beautiful colored orange, yellow and red leaves covered the ground, something the narrator had never seen before. The narrator would have enjoyed this sight if it wasn't for the fact that he was stressed to all hell. He had encountered many people, many rude people, he had asked for help with looking for Stanley but everyone had ignored the mans pleads for help. Now that he was in the real world his body started to feel things he had never felt before, like the cold wind, the pain in his legs from walking, and this strange pain in his stomach. He had never experienced such exhaustion before, he needed a rest.

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