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Hi 👋!

In this new shorts book I will try to post mostly one-shorts , mini stories, funny pills and probably my Art. I will try to keep it all in the undertale and it's Aus theme instead of posting whatever or venting so it will be more organized and enjoyable.

But I wanted to know if you all would like if I accepted requests for this book other than my own shorts so you don't get tired of , for example , me doing the same ship too much and wanted to see another one.

If yes I warn you that if the request isn't something I'm comfortable doing or isn't capable of thinking of a plotline or write something good then I will not do it.

I would let you have freedom on the requests but like I said before if I'm not comfortable or isn't able to fullfill it then I will not do it and in that case you will get a notification of it , I warned you so you can't go bitching about your request not getting written.

If no then it's okay too but let me know if you get tired in case my writing gets repetitive or boring , I don't accept negative comments or insults but I can accept constructive critisism so I can offer better stories to you all.

That's all I wanted to say , bye ⭐.

Shorts 2 (Hiatus)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora