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Sorcery is human-kind's most powerful type of power someone can obtain, the next most  powerful type of power is water manipulation. Water is everywhere in our body, air, ground its in places that you may not know at that point and time.

Zituq is a novice sorcerer in battalion academy, he's a young boy standing tall over his foes with a built like body while having a soft pulsating blue eye's and creamy brown hair, sharp teeth as his ancestors were leopard reincarnation and he's constellation is canins major.

Zituq was a regular person living in New York till his parents sat down with him and told him about his family tree. " Zeeny, please come sit down with us, I have tea and everything prepared." Zo said, "Yes, ma'am" Zituq had replied confused.

Zo take a deep breath preparing to talk, "So you know how Mom and dad told you we have 'magic'? We weren't playing.", Zituq shifted his head to side, "Why does this matter to me.?", Zo straightforward told Zituq "Well we was wondering if you would like to go to the magic academy me and dad went to. You don't have to accept the offer Hun." , with excitement Zituq stood up "You don't think I don't want to learn magic?", "Ok,ok calm down ill get my wand" Zo stood up and walked quickly to her room to get her wand then went back to Zituq position, "Stand back Zituq." Zituq stood back and using her oak wood wand with a snake wrapped around in her right hand she put both of her hands up higher than her head waving it around at quick speeds which a blue portal rippled making a electric like noise pulsating, then Zituq expression lit up with the brightest confusion, "This is Battalion Academy school of sorcery, step in I will register you." Zituq stepped in slowly observing the old school. The school look as if it was university and a capital building. It had a stone walk way with a white concrete archway leading to the entrance of the building, Zituq's heart stopped the moment he walked into the entrance it was huge like the empire state building on the inside while it looked normal on the outside. Zo walked up the receptionist and leaned over to say "I would like to register my son to the academy". The receptionist look up and replied to Zo "Sure can, does he have the current supplies?" Zo eye twitched which she replied after, "No..but I have his wand that he never had used before." The reciponest shooked her head up and down saying "Gotcha, let me get the list" She waved her hand around like a composer summoning a scroll that has the supplies he needs.

Zo grabbed the scroll and rolled it up then request to Zituq "Come on, lets get your stuff." She smiled, and Zituq listened "Hey mom?" Zituq said with a confused tone of voice, "Yes hun?" Zo replied. "Where do I get my school supplies from and also WHY haven't you told me that I have a wand?", "Well it was a hand me down and it fitted your need because I knew what you needed for school, well most of it and we are going to need to go make another portal so we can go to the location." Zo quickly responded, "I see.." Zituq bopping his head up and down. Zituq slighty raised his voice "So why are we walking home when we need to just only make a portal just to get my supplies..?", Zo widen her eyes "Because I forgot where I exactly needed the portal to be at and 2nd I need to do other stuff." Zituq then slightly smirked then said "Make sense.", Zituq and his mom had then just arrived at their house, Zituq proceeded to make a pimento cheese sandwich in which Zo quickly did her task to then get her location books which she casted a spell for first time using her voice she said "illuminant!" which made the same type of portal that they used the first time, Zituq seemed to see that through the portal there was a wintery medieval like market with some small buildings. Zo and Zituq stepped into the portal with Zo behind him holding the scroll with school supplies on it. Zituq walked quietly observing his environment and Zo showed him the way to the stores that they needed to go. Zo stopped her walk suddenly after realizing that she missed the first market she needed to go. "Zeeny!" Zo raised her voice at Zituq, "This is the Pet Market." Zituq saw that the owner of the pet market was some blue like-person with fins on the side of his body and limbs. "Za Za, welcome to ze pet market where we have animals such as cats,owls,lizards,eagles and more!". "Hey uh mom.", "Yes?" Zo quickly responded to his statement. "I think I want the cat.", "Ok..pick it up" Zo raised an eyebrow knowing that his ancestors were celestial leopards and his constellation being Carnis Major.

The alien like creature said "52 Dabloons please!", Zo summoned her travel bank which she took out 52 dabloons and place it in the Ailen's hand. "Get the animal and lets go!" Zo said in which Zituq grabbed the Siamese cat. "The next place we need to go is that shop right over there" Zo pointed to the wand shop. "Ok." Zituq said in a tired manner, they head to the shop, "Welcome! Welcome, it's nice to see you Zo would you like to use your deal today?", "Uh, why not." Zo replied. "Which wand would you like Zeeny?" Zo asked Zituq, " Is there a nice Orange like wand?", "Ask the wand shop owner" Zo replied "Uh sir, is there like a orange-like wand?", "Certainly! We have almost every type of wand you could think of" the shop owner headed over to the back and came out with a medium sized,rectangle shaped box which had a wand that was made of Jungle Wood, had a black snake wrapped around the wand with a peacock feather on the bottom which looked almost the same as Zo's wand. "Wow I love this, can I get this one mom?" in which Zo replied "Of course this is YOUR wand." , The wand shop owner put the wand back in the box and rung it up, "36 Dabloons and that's with the deal." , Zo pulled out her golden Credit Card and rung it up which the transaction went through. "Thanks for stopping by and I hope young man you do good at whatever magic school you go to" the owner said with a enthusiastic tone. "Thank you." Zituq said quietly. "Come one, next stuff we need is for your classes as you're doing magic and core 4 classes" Zo said. Zituq and Zo headed to the Battalion academy class store. "Oh hello!" Said the owner, "You must be Zo's son, correct?" , Zituq replied "Mhm."

While bopping his head up and down slowly. "Ok..here are your supplies, only thing else you need to get are the spell books." , Zituq picks up the supplies and has a hard time walking with it, "Need help son?" Zo said. "I would like some." Zituq replied, Zo waved one stroke of her wand which summoned a almost transparent wagon, in which Zituq put the supplies in."Lets go back home and hold my hand.", Zituq obeyed Zo's command. Zituq and Zo warped and appeared to have teleported back to their house. Zituq didn't question what happened, "When do I go to the school?" Zituq asked Zo, "2 weeks I believe.", "Ok." Zituq said "Ill go to my room."


"Zeeny! Get up and put your stuff in the car." , "I already did yesterday." Zituq replied. "Oh?" Zo said, "Well lets get in the car", Zituq and Zo head to the car, "Zituq stay quiet I need to open this portal so we can through." Zo requested. Zituq Stayed quiet as asked, Zo took 3.25 minutes to open the portal which after Zo speed the car through the portal

And arrived to the school, "Here we are let me drive to the place to drop it off", the car made a loud revving noise as they were trying to go through the dirt. "If I'm correct this is your dorm room place.", "It, is." Zituq replied to Zo. "Alright mom let me open the door and then I'll move in.", "Ok sweety" Zo said, Zituq headed up the stairs and open his dorm, which afterwards she headed downstairs and initiated by getting the suit case which had his clothes. Zituq had placed his suitcase down, since Zituq had been tired he attempted a spell he remember from his mom, Zituq prepared to speak. "Vocate!", The spell had been successful in which all of his other belongings have been summoned to his room. After this had happened he ran and yell to his mom "I DID A SUMMON SPELL!" which Zo had quickly woken up and yelled back "GREAT, COME GIVE ME A HUG GOOD BYE!", Zituq ran to his mom's car and gave her a tight and powerful hug. Zituq hurried back to his dorm and notice its just like the building he went to be register which after he set his things up, surprisingly he didn't have to live with any roommates which he enjoy as he enjoys being isolated most of the time. Zituq first opened his cloth suitcase and put in the brown wooden closet, then he got his decoration out from his biggest suitcase and he put it to the side, and after he thought of putting his AC/DC poster on the left side of the dorm wall. After, he brought the garlands that he would put up in his room at home, he gotten a stool and proceeded to hang it up for 20 mins till the stool suddenly fell over which caused Zituq to fall with the stool and became unconscious.           

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