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       "William Soot" The teacher calls his name, making him zone back into the real world- oh right, he was still a gay ass loser. "Can you please tell me the answer to the equation on the board?" She nods to the writing projected onto the whiteboard. "Uhhh," Wilbur drags on as he does the math on the corner of his page. "One hundred and sixty four?" he says, his British accent flowing with his words, as the teacher nods approvingly. someone scoffs, catching his attention.

       Wilbur looks to the noise, oh. Johnathan Schlatt; local asshole and Wilbur's person of interest for the last 2 years. He was designated hitter on their Highschool's baseball team too- pretty popular. Schlatt lifts his hand into the air and raises his eyebrows at the teacher impatiently. She seems to try to look everywhere but him before finally shifting her attention, "Yes Mr. Schlatt?" She gives him the fakest smile Wilbur's ever seen; Schlatt smiles back, "May I use the bathroom Ms. Claire?" He asks with obvious evil gremlin intent. She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.

       This was the fourth time this week Schlatt's asked to use the bathroom in Ms. Claire's class. Wilbur's been counting- Not because he's a stalker, just because he was bored. After a pause, the teacher looks up and turns to Wilbur for some reason. "Mr. Soot can you please walk with Johnathan to the bathroom to make sure he isn't skipping." She asks politely. What. Schlatt groans from his chair, murmuring an "are you serious," to himself. "Uh- Sure?" He stands up, closing his notebook that was mostly covered in terribly drawn doodles that he didn't want anyone to see.

       Schlatt stands up as well, taking his feet off of his desk and grabbing his bag. "Why do you need your bag Mr. Schlatt?" Ms. Claire interrogates. Schlatt rolls his eyes. "To do my makeup obviously!!!" schlatt giggles mockingly in a high pitched voice, lifting his hands up to hold his face as his backpack slides off his shoulder. He earns a few snickers from the class and the teacher just waves him off, "Whatever."

       The silence threatened to strangle Wilbur as they both walked, Schlatt's bag hanging treacherously close to falling again. Mark was in that class- god, Wilbur wasn't gonna hear the end of it if he didn't say anything- "So," Schlatt's New York accent made him jump as the man seems to beat him too it. "yeah?" Wilbur answered to quickly. "What's- how do I say this... Your- thing?" He makes a hand motion, tilting his head. Schlatt always talked so expressively, Wilbur found it cute. "Excuse me?" He was confused on the question though. 

       "Like your deal, I always see you around but I don't know anything about you, other than your annoying ass smarts." Schlatt explains, crossing his arms as he continues to walk. Wilbur thought for a moment, what was he known for? Other than his bisexual-ness that everyone in the school knew about and enjoyed teasing him for. Did Schlatt know he was gay? He must have, he sat with the biggest gossips in the whole grade. 

       "helloooo?" OH SHI- Wilbur didn't realize he had just been spacing out as he walked. "Oh sorry! I must've zoned out." Wilbur apologizes. "It's fine loser," Schlatt laughs, elbowing Wilbur lightly. After another moment of silence Schlatt speaks up again, "You didn't answer my question though." He says. "Oh right. uhm... I don't know, I play guitar i guess? Me, Mark, Joe, and Ash have a band." Wilbur replies tentatively, would Schlatt think he's weird for being a music geek?

       "Who? I mean- don't get me wrong, that's cool. But I have no fucking clue who the fuck you just named." He wheezed, laughing. Wilbur laughed too, not because he thought whatever Schlatt said was funny, just because his laugh was contagious. "I dunno, they're not important right now." Wilbur shrugged as they finally came along to the gender neutral bathrooms their school had. Wilbur look at Schlatt expectantly. "Oh yeah, about that," Schlatt rubs the back of his neck, looking away, "I was actually planning on skipping Ms. Claires' and just heading out to the field-" He explains as Wilbur just stares blankly at him.

       After not getting an immediate response Schlatt began defending himself, "Look man, She's just so fucking boring! You can't expect me to sit there the entire time and look at what? Her extreme lack of tits?" Schlatt over-explains. "She doesn't even try to make it look like she has them either!! If I was trans at least I would would stuff something up there to give the illusion-" He said before being interrupted, "What?" Wilbur said with a small laugh. The first thing Wilbur heard after tuning out Schlatt's rambling was "if I was trans" and that- that is something he wasn't expecting from Schlatt's mouth.

       "It's not like I'm transphobic!! I'm just sayin-" Wilbur interrupts him before he can incriminate himself more, "that's not what I'm talking about," Wilbur snickers. "I was just confirming that you're planning on skipping the entirety of math class to go; what? sit in a field?" He says, raising an eyebrow at Schlatt, who stares back like a cat that got caught eating out of the food bag. "I mean if you try 'n' snitch on me I'll beat your ass." Schlatt fixes his posture, grinning. "As if," Wilbur scoffs at the threat. He's always been a competitive one. "And anyways, I wasn't planning on ratting you out... if you let me come with you." He smiles, blinking innocently and leaning forward.

       It was a bit stupid, sure. But Wilbur didn't want to miss his shot with a pretty boy while he had the upper hand. "Are you fucking serious?!" Schlatt laughs hysterically; luckily the halls were empty. He seems to consider Wilbur's words as his laughter dies down. "Y'know what- Whatever, you can come along if you want." He chuckles, dismissing the tense conversation with a wave of his hand and beginning to walk to the nearest exit. Wilbur follows him, keeping his head high despite the excitement brewing in his gut. 

       The duo ends up at the top of one of the smaller hills on the school premises. Schlatt tosses a baseball from hand to hand while Wilbur sits comfortably and watches him, blushing a light pink. "What?" Schlatt queries after the staring becomes to apparent, looking back to Wilbur who breaks the eye contact immediately. "Uh- nothing! I was just... curious if you ever pitch! that's all." Wilbur makes up a believable excuse quickly, avoiding suspicion. "I mean, not really. But I do like to practice it, if I ever go to the big leagues y'know?" He looks to the ball as he rambles, While Wilbur only focuses on how good Schlatt looks in this lighting.

       They  both go quiet for a bit, the breeze against their ears being the only sound around them. "Do you wanna play catch until the bell rings? I'm curious how good you can throw with those noodle arms," He proposes with a grin, tossing the ball up in the air, only to catch it when it begins falling again. "Hey! They're not that thin!" Wilbur extends his arms, looking at their width. To be fair, Schlatt wasn't completely wrong- this wasn't a time to be insecure though, Schlatt had asked him something, and he wasn't about to deny him. 

       Wilbur stood up, dusting off his pants before looking to Schlatt who was already grinning. "Okay you go down to that tree, I think I can make it there." He points to a tree down the hill and a bit ways away. "Oh there's no way." Wilbur challenges lightheartedly. "Yes way! now get down there asshole!" Schlatt hits Wilbur's shoulder softly with no real heat behind his words. Wilbur begins jogging down the hill, "NICE ASS BY THE WAY!" Schlatt calls as Wilbur leaves, bursting out in laughter afterwards. "OH FUCK OFF!" Wilbur calls back despite the redness growing on his face.

       Once Wilbur got close enough to the tree he gave a thumbs up to Schlatt, who immediately began winding up the ball, making Wilbur realize how hard Schlatt was about to throw it at him; and as soon as Wilbur blinked the baseball was already hurling in his direction, and Wilbur had to catch it. How did Schlatt do this at practice everyday? Wilbur realized the ball was probably going to fall a few more meters closer to Schlatt than he had originally thought. he jogged farther from the tree as he locked in on the ball before catching it with both hands. Schlatt cheered at him, clapping loudly with a grin.

       "GOOD CATCH MAN!!" Schlatt hollered at him. Wilbur smiled at the praise. Wilbur was about to go closer to Schlatt to throw it back to him before the bell began ringing from the school. Schlatt waved Wilbur to come back, god this was going to be his workout for today. 

How are you guys feeling abt the new fic? I'm probably gonna cross-post this on ao3 so yippee!
And yes- I have an actual plan for this fic so I hope it won't be abandoned 💀
Also this was basically the prologue so I can't wait for the next chapter >:)


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