A Moment Of Silence

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"How about we stop here for today, OK?" Tsukashi's voice was an echo in the silent room. A silent agreement followed all the people present. It was all too much to take in for everyone, except for Nezu. He seemed to be handling it quite well. Izuku suddenly felt grateful that his mother wasn't watching this. If she had seen how much he knew about heroes' privet lives, and he didn't want her to know about any of this, who knows what she would do. It already hurts him enough that she knows he fights heroes and that she knows she has no way of stopping him. He made sure of it.

A sudden thought came to Izuku and he was sure it came to the others as well. "What's happening with Aizawa-kun?" They all looked at him. "I mean, where is he going to rest for tonight?"

Tsukashi looked down. "I mean we can't let him walk around, free. He did injure a kid and all,"

"I'm right here," said Shota

"I'm not a kid. I'm 14."

"I'll stay in the prison cell then," It came out of nowhere that everyone was too shocked to speak.


"No, kid. Do you think I'm stupid or something?"

"I'm not a kid. And I didn't think you were stupid or anything," Izuku muttered.

"So its decided then," Nezu clapped his hands/paws. "Aizawa-kun will stay in the cell for the day and we shall continue when everything and everyone is ready,"

"What?! I didn't agree to this." Shota glared.

"You didn't need to. Usually the offender doesn't get a say in where they sleep until they are proven innocent or guilty," Nezu's beady eyes shone in the light.

Everyone shivered. Everyone was quiet.

"Can I speak to him?" Hizashi's voice was soft, but he carried on, "Before you take him away. Just for a bit. Please. . ." Everyone was quite. "Alone," he finally said.

Everyone was out of their seats so fast they made it look like it was a crime to be in them. The only problem was that Nezu had a hard time getting off his and even had to ask Tsukashi to pick him up. He had to be picked up! 

Once they were all out, Tsukashi and Nemuri went to the kitchen to drop off the cups. Izuku and Nezu stayed outside the interrogation room. Nezu had asked Izuku to so they could talk. As soon as Izuku had heard this, he wanted nothing more than to run away with his mother and fake their deaths to get as far away from this blackmailing as possible. But he stayed and waited for him to speak. To expose him of something. He knew he was going to do it ad Izuku wasn't surprised when he was called aside.

When Izuku thought the silence couldn't go on any loner, he spoke. "You're hiding something."

"No, I'm-"

"It wasn't a question," Izuku closed his mouth. "I noticed it: how you vaguely explained about your quirk, leaving so much information out. But I didn't interrupt."

"But I wasn't lying and if I was Detective -"

"I didn't say you were lying, Midoriya-san," oh "So, what is it you are hiding?"

Izuku muttered.

Nzu's ear twitched. "I'm sorry?"

"I cant talk about it,"

"Why is that?"

"I just can't"

"Okay," He looked up at Izuku "But just be warned: I will find out. Not only because I'm curious or because you will soon become a student at my school-"

"You accepted me?"

"-Its because I want to know the 'what?' 'why?' and 'how?' of the situation between my teacher and a student,"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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