Chapter Four

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My neck rolled around as I tried to work out the relentless aching soreness. My plan for the night worked about as well as it could have, though if the raw inflamed slashes on my back were indicative of anything it's that they'll always find a way to get exactly what they want.

I had hoped I would get a moment to myself before school demanded my attendance and attention. But the weather seemed to be matching my mood as it smacked everyone's faces with potent intensity and lugubriousness.

The pouring rain held my gaze as I leaned up against one of the school shelter pillars, trusting it with the entirety of my weight since it didn't seem like my legs could support it.

Two young girls were running messy circles with their raincoats flapping against the breeze, their giggles were harmonious and I couldn't help but stare with a hidden yearning.

My school was a K-12 so it wasn't completely unusual to be seeing such little kids in the area, though by this time it was definitely less common. There were multiple buildings separating the grades but no one was ever where they were supposed to be which made looking after Kaylee effortless.

After watching the exuberant girls for a moment more I swiftly wipe the tear that had fallen subconsciously and turn on my heel to enter the building before the bell rang and the halls were made uncomfortably chaotic.

As I made my way through the place with expert invisibility I adjusted the hoodie off my back to give my wounds some air to breath. Each mark screamed for recognition with every movement but giving in this early would needlessly condemn me to an excruciating school day.

My only goal was to make it through first period with minimal movement, then I could take my second dose of painkillers for the day.

I follow the patterns on the floor that I've memorized through years of zooming through the halls with my head down. There was an indentation on the far left faded green square that meant I had to take a right, then after a few more paces I'd meet with the broken water fountain which indicated another right before I reached my destination.

A group of freshmen stood before my landmark water fountain cheering boisterously at something on one of their phones, and it distracted me for only a moment but long enough to find myself suddenly slammed on the floor with every remanence of wind knocked out of me.

My body was sent into a panic as it attempted a long agonizing wheeze to somehow force air into my lungs as they refused to cooperate in this critical moment.

No, please. There was no way my parents made their way in again.

I slightly trembled, not moving from my spot on the cold dirty floor as I clutched the front of my hoodie and chest hoping for some kind of relief.

"Fuck me." I grumbled to myself.

"Well, since you asked so nicely."
"Kevin shut up."

My glare was instinctive and violent, but as soon as I realized where I was and what was happening I cleared my expression.

Hastily, my panicked eyes survey the scene to see a disgruntled blonde girl pushing her loose hair from her face to get a better look at me as two guys and three girls of different shades and heights stood behind her, all with varying expressions.

No parents, no real life or death situation.

"Walk much?" She spits meeting my eyes and taking the hand that was extended to her to stand up gracefully.

My heart processed the alarming situation before my mind did, speeding up exponentially as I came to the realization that I'd just knocked over one of the most genetically blessed human beings in a ten foot radius, an attribute that almost completely guaranteed she was someone well liked and well known.

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