Fire And Blood

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The night was cold, the stars were bright and a red moon filled the sky as Stefan wandered about the castle ramparts trying to get away from the feast. He had come along with the rest of his father’s court to the Tower of Stars, seat of House Stormborn and home of Serra, his childhood friend and the woman he loved. Ever since they were children, he, his brother Cyrus and Serra had been friends since they had been fostered at Merman’s Port by Godric Merling, Lord of the Western Reaches. Stefan had always admired Serra for her beauty, grace and her personality. He had always hoped that someday they would marry in order to unite their Houses even though she had always been the lover of his brother Cyrus. His hopes had been dashed when his father announced that Cyrus and Serra were indeed going to be married as a pact to seal the union of their Houses. The marriage had to be carried out as soon as possible as war loomed over the kingdom.

As Stefan watched the city below, he heard footsteps approaching. He turned and he saw Alayne, sister of Serra and the youngest daughter of Vaera and Haldon Stormborn.

“Stefan, what are you doing here away from the feast?” said Alayne

“I just needed some fresh air. The hall is hot and the noise is deafening. And what are you doing here?”

“I was on my way to fetch father his bow. He plans to go hunting tonight after the feast.”

“Tonight? The feast won’t be over till’ daybreak and there is still much to be done for the wedding” said Stefan

“Yes. The red moon signifies blood and Lord Haldon insists on hunting.” She said impatiently

“Very well. It is not my place to question him.  Now go before someone sees us and thinks something of us.”

Stefan watched as Alayne walked away and made sure that no one else was around. He walked to his apartments and gathered his weapons. He made his way to the castle gate and rowed his way across the moat. The air was crisp and smelled of pine. He saddled a horse from the stables and spurred it to a gallop towards the surrounding forest. Lord Haldon had the right of it and it was indeed a splendid time to go hunting. He shot a few hares and nearly took a deer as well when he heard the trumpets. He wheeled around and saw a hunting party forming up close to the castle with Arnolf Blackmond and Lord Haldon Stormborn at its head. He knew better than to allow himself to be seen outside the castle walls and immediately rode back to a postern gate and entered the castle again. He opted to return to the feast before his absence was noticed.

The hall was cavernous and full of light. Banners from Houses Stormborn, Silvertongue, Merling, Blackmond, Gunthor, Hellsong and other small houses hung from the walls and their soldiers filled the lower tables. Lords and their wives and children occupied the dais. He made his way through the tables to his seat at the dais beside his brother and some other lordling. The table was filled with the finest food and the sweetest wines. There was roasted boar, deer drowned in some exotic sauce and fish covered in spices. He had no appetite for any of it and pushed it away. Instead, he took a flagon of wine and filled his glass. He emptied it in a single gulp and filled it again. The wine was sweet and of a rare vintage. He had gone through half of the flagon when his brother asked him,

“You seem to be quite thirsty brother, is something troubling you?” he asked curiously

“No, the wine is just delightful. It’s one of the best I’ve ever tasted.”

“Well be sure to leave some for the rest of us!” he jested

The feast was soon over and everyone began to return to their quarters. Stefan stayed behind and waited for everyone to clear out before he approached Serra. She was dressed in a beautiful cream lace gown that complemented her beautiful hazel eyes and around her neck she wore a necklace wrought in sapphires that formed a lightning bolt, the symbol of her house. He was mesmerized by her beauty and froze for a few moments before regaining his composure.

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