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I walk out of my last class of the day on the last day of school.

I see Richie Tozier Also walk out of his last class with two of our friends, Bill and Eddie

Heres the thing I have a crush on bill and Richie has a crush on Eddie and now here we are.

So, there's this church full of jews, right?  And Stan has to take this super Jewy test. -Eddie

But how's it work-Bill

They slice the tip of his dick off-Eddie

But then Stan will have nothing left!-Richie


That's true- Eddie

Wait up, you guys!-Stan

Hey, Stan what happens at you Bar Mitzvah, anyways?-Bill

Ed says they slice the tip of you d-d-dick off-Bill

'I love it when he stutters'

Yeah, and I think the rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say,   "Where's the beef?"-Richie

At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah, and then make a speech and suddenly, I become a man-Stan

I could think of funner ways to become a man- Richie

More fun you mean-Stan

Oh shit-Richie

I turn to where he is looking and I see the Bowers Gang.

I hate all of them exept for maybe Vic.

I still dislike him but dont hate him.

Think they'll sign my yearbook?.....-Richie

I was to busy staring at Bill to hear what Richie said.

I snap out of it when I see Richie's hand in my face.


Stop staring at Bill-Richie

I feel my cheeks heat up.

I wasn't staring-Me

Then why are you blushing?-Richie

I look away out of embarrasment.

We dump our backpacks in the trashcan.

Best feeling ever-Stan

Yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time-Richie

Hey, What do you guys wanna do tomorrow?-Eddie

I start my training-Richie

What training?-Eddie

Street fighter-Richie

Is that really how you wanna spend your summer, inside an arcade?....-Eddie

Here I was again to busy staring at Bill to hear what they are talking about

Something is definetly wrong with me.

I snap out of it when Richie gets pulled back and then knocking Stan over.

(I'm to lazy to write everything so little skip)

you s-s-s-suck Bowers- Bill

Shut up Bill-Eddie

Did you s-s-s-say somethin' B-B-B-Billy-Henry

Leave him alone asshole-Me

Everyone snaps there heads towards me.

Oh look it's little Billy's girlfriend-Henry

Shut up before I go get you daddy and tell him what your up to-Me

Henry looks genuinly scared.

This summer's gonna be a hurt train for you and you faggot friends-Henry

Henry licks his hand and wipes it on Bill's facebefore walking away.

I wish he'd go missing-Richie

He's probably the one doing it-Eddie

We take our bikes and get ready to leave.

Bye guys. Bye Bill-Me

3rd person POV

Holy shit! You love her!-Richie

Bill doesn't say anything as he watched Y/N ride towards her house.

And that stare right there proves it-Stan

Bill still doesn't say anything......

Word count: 538

Stars-Bill Denbrough X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now