TXT taking care of you when you're sick

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- When Yeonjun hears your sick he stops what he's doing to go take care of you
- babies you fr
- Definitely goes on 7/11 runs to get your favorite snacks
- Makes sure you take your meds
- makes some bomb chicken noodle soup
- this sweet boy really hates seeing you sick :(
- Anything you want he's ready to get for you
- does not care if you get him sick, he's still going to give you the best kisses
- overall such a sweet boi when you're sick 🥹


- mom mode ✅
- oh boy
- be prepared to get overwelmed with binnies cuddles
- when your sick he gives the absolute best cuddles and massages
- he's a prepared boy
- Tissues, medicines,  A trash bag on hand at all times ~ hes ready for it all
- def holds your hair back for you when you throw up
- also makes you the best warm bath ever
- so nice to you by the time you're better you can't wait to get sick again lol


-he becomes so sweet when he hears your sick
-  your sick gyu turns into a full comedian, he tries his hardest to make you smile or laugh
- also tries his hardest to make you blush ~ the biggest flirt fr
- will take nice warm baths with you ;)
- finds fun things you two can do while your sick
- Will by you a get well goodie bag with all you favorite snacks just bc he feels like it
- Not very fluffy but when he hears you or smells you throwing up he will start violently gagging and it's hilarious
- Might even pull out the guitar and play it for you :)
- definitely building a fort in your guys room


- mom mode pt.2
- lets you pick all the movies
- which is a big deal for tae
-  Runs to the store to get you anything and everything you need
- brings out his good cooking skills ( Gordon Ramsey could neva)
- cooks some of the best soups fr
- will serenade you to sleep 🥹
- he hates to see you in pain :/
- Will he literally wrap you up like a burrito when your cold or get sick shivers

Huening Kai

- such a sweet boi
- tbh he gets queasy when he sees you throw up but he tries his hardest to be there for you
- will kiss your temple and nose extra
- loves to just hold you and take care of you :/
- Will be there with a cold towel to dap your head with
- Also gives the best cuddles and kisses
- will try his best to cook for you LOLLL
- when he almost burns the house down, you tell him it would just be fine to order out
- overall will be so loving and when you get to feel better he will take you on such a cute date later

- such a sweet boi - tbh he gets queasy when he sees you throw up but he tries his hardest to be there for you- will kiss your temple and nose extra - loves to just hold you and take care of you :/- Will be there with a cold towel to dap your head...

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a/n : Hope you guys love it!! Make sure to send requestsss

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