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"So, uh... W-what are we doing up here again...?"

The question was dragged out as Ennard slowly slunk behind you. You were strolling along a catwalk that led over Funtime Auditorium. The place was closed for the night and had recently gotten some new instalments- One of which you had been begging him to try with you for days now. It was a trampoline 'park' with a foam pit, but there was something else up above that was installed along the roofing. Ennard hadn't been too ecstatic about the idea when you'd first asked him. But after days and days of pestering (And your sweet and soft voice), the tall endo had finally gave in and said 'Yes'. The aforementioned catwalk that overlooked the mini park was a few feet off the ground- A bit too much for the poor endos comfort. Your foot stepped down onto the main walkway, causing the metal around the catwalk to make a loud, resonating 'clang'. You heard more metal scuttling and screeching against the platform and then turned just in time to see Ennard clutching one of the balancer beams. His eyes were as big as the moon. You laughed. "Ennard, it's ok. We're almost to the zipline platform." The endo gave a deep inhale and then peeled his wirey frame from the balancer beams. His knees shook as he forced a big smile onto his face, something to reassure that he did indeed trust you on this. "O-ok... After you..." How in the world did he let you talk him into this?

Another five minutes of walking and the two of you had arrived at the dreaded platform- In Ennards opinion anyway. You fastened a zipline vest onto yourself and then helped Ennard with his own. The poor guy was practically vibrating the metal walkway as he eyed the 'dramatic drop', way too focused on his phobia instead of the safety equipment. You gave another laugh as you placed the vest on him and then tightened it. "I knew you were scared of heights, but is it really that bad, Ennard? Are you going to be alright?" The endo forced down the knot in his throat and then looked at you. "Huh? OH- Yeah! I-I'm fine, Y/N..." His eyes lowered to glanced down again. "...Kinda anyways..." The two lines were clipped onto the vests, and then you spared a humorous look to the frightened clown.

And the poor guy didn't catch onto your mischievous smirk fast enough.

"Well, time to get used to being up high-" Ennard screeched as you pushed him off the catwalk, his arms and legs flailing as he zipped across the line. If the heights weren't going to make him sick then the spinning would eventually. You jumped off the platform and zipped after him. Your excitement was proven by your loud laughing and chanting, a total 180 from Ennards.

On the second floor of the Auditorium, Baby and Ballora sat in the eatery. A see-through glass wall separated the small restaurant from the play area, giving anyone inside the opportunity to watch what was going on in the play park if they wished to. And what they saw? A screaming Ennard and a laughing you rush by the glass. Balloras caramel frappe never touched her lips as her head turned to stare at the passing ruckus, Baby doing the same. Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy sat at the back table and were trying to stifle their laughing from the brief scene. Baby nonchalantly sat her milkshake down. "...How did she get him to go zip lining?" The only answer Ballora could give was a confused shrug.

The roof rail curved, causing Ennard to swing a wide turn before the line had dipped down. Your line had swung faster and you ended up racing down the slope after the curve. Then suddenly-"OOF!" You collided with the metal frame of Ennard who had been ahead. The slight force of the impact caused you to spin, which in turn made Ennard do the same. The two of you ended up getting tangled against one another. All of Ennards shouts and panicking had came to a halt as he looked down at you. You were tangled chest to chest with him- And still swinging down the zipline. You couldn't help but laugh, which in turn made him do the same after a moment- The first time he actually had on this little escapade. "Wow, uh... I guess this really... 'tangled things up' huh?" He joked.

The zipline had finally reached the end. On the exit platform stood Yenndo and Lolbit. They'd heard all the commotion and took a break from thir work to see what was going on. They weren't too surprised to say the least. Lolbit braced himself against the guard rail as the two of you slowly came to a stop. "Well, well, well, look what Shakespeare dragged in: If it isn't Romeo and Juliet." Yenndos laughing paired the foxs' playful tease. Ennard began stuttering an explanation, his face getting way too flustered for his serious tone. You couldn't help but laugh. "We just got a bit tangled up is all, guys. Mind giving us a hand?" Another reverberating laugh from Yenndo before he could gather enough breath to speak.

"Do you two need a hand, or more alone time?~ HAHAHAA!"

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