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Ugh.. what time is it?

It feels like i've been sleeping for months..

Anyway... 10 AM..

Ok sure

(Kris P.O.V.)

Y/N got up and washed his face..

He woke up late, well at least a bit more late than usual..

Maybe i am going harsh on him with the ''Date'' thing?


Kris:Good mornin' Y/N.

Y/N:Oh uh, good morning.

Kris:Is something on your mind?

Y/N:It's just weird..


Y/N:Sansmart.. Something is so cursed wi-

Sans:**Excuse me?**


Y/N screamed as hard as he can

i can't help but laugh.

Asgore:Oh! Good morning Y/N!

Y/N:One time i wake up late, everyone is here.

Asgore:Oh have you forgotten?


Asgore:The meeting? It's the weekend!

Y/N:It is?

Y/N:Man.. it feels weird..


Sans:It feels as if you haven't been touched and left to sleep for months, because you think your own creation is cringe, right?



Kris:You're poetic.

Sans:Thanks kid.

Y/N:I'ma go prepare breakfast..

Kris:We already did that.


Y/N:You guys weren't waiting for me, right?

Kris:We were actually..

Y/N:Well for that matter, sorry to keep you waiting.

Asgore:It's fine..

Gaster:I don't need nutriens as a skeleton anyway.

Y/N:Dr. Gaster..?

Gaster:Yes, long time no see.


Y/N never told me his relationship with Gaster..

Gaster:If it's fine with you, can you meet me at the lab down in the bunker at 4 PM?

Y/N:Sure...? What's with the aura?

Gaster:I have some things i want to talk to you about.

Y/N:I see.

Gaster:And Sans?

Sans:Yeah G?

Gaster:Just do what i told you alright?


Gaster:Welp, i'll be heading out for now.

Sans:Wanna use a shortcut?

Gaster:No, i will talk with Undyne on the way.

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