~Castle Tour~

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Freddy POV

I was getting dressed for the day and looked over and saw Goldie walk out of the room. Guess he's going to go eat breakfast now. I finished getting dressed then I walked out of the room and made my way to where Foxy is staying. I'll ask him and his crew if they want to join me to eat. I walked to Foxy's room and knocked. I heard something fall then I saw him open the door.

"O-oh! Hi lad"

"Hey Foxy!... You look a lot different without your jewelry on"

"O-oh... Yea aye do... Aye take it off when aye go to sleep and normally wear it when aye go out" I wonder if my father would let me get a piercing. I smiled.

"So I was wondering if you and your crew wanted to eat with me" after that I heard some more doors open and I looked to see Foxy's crew.

"Aye... Um... Mm... Sure lad we can join ye" I smiled then Foxy walked out of the room. He looks over at me so I started to walk. I looked over and saw Foxy and his crew walking behind me. We walked into the dining room and I saw Goldie, Ted, Bonnie, and Bun all sitting so I walked over.

"Hey guys!" They all waved then I sat down. I can tell Foxy was a bit unease but he sits down by me looking down. I smiled and looked over to the kitchen to see the cooks cooking. I would cook but I just wanna chat with Foxy right now. "So what do you guys wanna do?" I asked and looked around.

"Well... We're gonna eat first Freddy then you guys can do whatever you guys want" Goldie said then he looks down at his phone. I just sighed then looked at Ted.

"Imma hang out with Bun today!" Said Ted with a smile. Bun only smiles and nods. I looked over at Bonnie and he just shrugs his shoulder. Then I looked at Foxy.

"Aye um... Aye don't know what to do... What do ye wanna do?"

"What I wanna do?" Foxy nods. "Well... I can show you guys around the castle! Besides I got nothing else to do anyways" I said. Foxy gives me a small nod then I saw the cooks bring the food. "Enjoy"

Foxy POV

Freddy is very kind... Very. But I still don't fully trust him. I ate the food and it's good... One of the best meals I had in a while to be honest. I looked over at the crew and they also seem to enjoy it. I smiled and ate then looked over at Freddy to see him eating as well.
After that we finished eating and I was now waiting for Freddy. He soon walks over and smiles.

"So let's start the tour now alright?"

"Alright lad" with that we followed Freddy as he showed us around. This castle is huge... I would just get lost here to be honest. He showed us all the rooms that were important. Like the throne room, treasure, and a lot more. I was just looking around and this castle is full if gold and a lot of valuables. Kinda weird being a pirate... Most people would think that I would like to steal all of this but I really don't. I need to make money by working! Not by stealing. And yes there is pirates who do steal... Like that fucking Ocean Sea Crew. I know they steal because they tried to steal from my crew when we meet up one time. Their captain came into the ship with the intention of a meeting then boom! They try to steal.

"Foxy you alright?" Freddy asked me. I looked up at him. Guess I was lost in thought.

"Aye be fine lad... No need to worry" I looked around a bit and did noticed some guards glaring... I bet they think I'mma try and steal. Fucking hell....

End of chapter

Prince and Pirate ෆFrexyෆ ʚFreddy x Foxyɞ (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now