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(Turtle Name) dove into the river, using every inch of muscle to beat the current and locate her body. She couldn't have gone far. His breath is held well and he had a limit before resurfacing.

His eyes looked all over, waiting for some kind of shape or abnormality in the water to appear. After about twenty seconds, there was no sign of Y/n through the river. It's an endless world down here; all he sees are small schools of fish, plants, jagged rocks, and more water with darkened areas.

Come on...

Forty seconds under water and (Turtle Name) doesn't see Y/n yet. Then, just when he thought hope was lost, he spotted a person floating in the river's body, getting caught in plants and stranded branches.

Instantly, he swam faster, zipping through the water until he reached her limp body. He untangled the debris from her arms and legs and brushed her hair from her face, seeing the sunlight cast a beam upon her cheeks and eyes. (Turtle Name) admired her features and is desperate to see her fully awake and alert.

Finally, he brought her up to the surface, bursting out roughly. He took in a great big breath of air and called out to his brothers. "She isn't breathing!" He yelled, panic in his voice. (Turtle Name) swims to the shore where his brothers are and carefully placed Y/n on the ground, lying flat on her back. She looked so lifeless and this scared each of the Brothers. They were witnessing her face turn pale and blue.

"CPR now!" A brother bellowed with urgency.

(Turtle Name) didn't hesitate to slightly tilt her head back, pinch her nose with his fingers, and bring his lips to hers. The thought of kissing her has come to his mind many times but he wished that thought didn't excite him during this urgent situation. He breathed two breaths into her lungs and prayed she would wake up. He did the needed number of chest compressions and then repeated the process. "Come on, don't go! Don't go, Y/n!" He breathed into her again.

"Come on!" One of the other brothers says, crossing his fingers at his sides.

Again and again, (Turtle Name) keeps breathing into Y/n and it isn't doing its job. He could feel the tears beginning to tease his eyes. It was beginning to sting and he hated that. "Please!" Two more breaths more.

He got to her just in time. As she was coming around, Y/n could feel herself choking while her eyes opened up to the daylight. She coughed a massive mouthful of dirty water, hacking it up on her chest as she turned on her side, struggling to catch air. Her lungs are burning and her throat felt like glass.

"Oh thank god!" A brother breathed in relief. "Y/n..."

They were relieved to see she was still here with them, undefeated. She always put up a good fight, whether that was mentally or physically.

"Oh..." She breathed out, thankful to be alive and well. Y/n lightly coughed, resting her head on the jungle's ground. No way she just survived a plane crash and nearly drowned and was revived by one of the Brothers. She couldn't believe it. "I almost died... I--"

"We weren't going to let you." Said Leo, his eyes sad. "We can't continue on without you, Y/n."

Mikey agreed with his big brother. "Yeah, Y/n. You've become one of us."

Y/n began to cry, not expecting her emotions to take over her. She almost drowned and began appreciating life on a whole other level. But it wasn't just the thought of death taking her. It was also because the Brothers were showing how much they loved and appreciate her being in their lives. "That really scared me..." She says.

Just when the Brothers and Y/n were able to take a breather from this intense moment, they heard a rumbling and menacing laugh come from the river. They shift their heads toward the laughter and see Bebop teasing the mutants. "Let's rumble, baby!" He cackled, standing on a piece of floating debris and jumping into the river.

Tᴇᴇɴᴀɢᴇ Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Nɪɴᴊᴀ Tᴜʀᴛʟᴇs: Oᴜᴛ Oғ Tʜᴇ Sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡs X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 𓆉 ❪✓❫Where stories live. Discover now