My Angel Chapter One:

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A/N: I know I should be writing chapter 3 of reunited but I had this story written for so long so I decided to post it. Also, let me know if Erin or Jay are OOC. I hope you like it

Erin hung up the phone from the doctor confirming what she already suspected, that she was pregnant. She also made an appointment for the following day for an ultrasound. Erin couldn't wait to tell Jay that they were gonna be parents! As she walked into the bedroom practically floating on air, she saw something she never hoped to see. She saw her boyfriend packing his bags and her smile dropped, "Jay, what's going on? Why are you packing?" she asks, confused. Jay looks at her with sad eyes and says "come here I have to tell you something." And he pats the spot next to him on the bed, Erin comes and sits next to him and asks him again "Jay what's going on? You're scaring me" Jay looks at her with unshed tears and whispers, "I kept some things from you and I'm scared you are gonna hate me for it" and lets a tear fall, Erin reaches up and wipes the tear away while saying, "nothing you could say can make me hate you I promise I love you! Now tell me what's going on and we'll figure it out together," she says as she holds his hand tightly. Jay takes a deep breath and tells her everything. He first apologizes for not explaining the situation properly when they were in the breakroom earlier, then he tells her the whole story about Abby: first how they met and why they got married, and how he knew that he had signed the divorce papers the day after telling Abby that he made a mistake and left. He never saw her again until later today when she came to Chicago and told him that she was getting married but she needed him to sign the divorce papers. He had told her that he did sign them, but she told him that she didn't sign them so legally they were still married. He told her he'd sign them right then and there but she said she'd wanted to get a drink like old times and he stupidly said yes. He also told Erin that Abby lied about getting married and that she wanted to get back together with him but he told her he has a girlfriend that he loves and he left. After he finished, he looked at Erin and he could see her face contorted in anger and hurt. She stands up and begins to pace, trying to calm down for the baby's sake. "Erin I'm so so sorry!''Jay says as he gets up and tries to hug her and she pushes him off at first but when he tries for a second time she lets him and wraps her arms around him and inhales his scent as she nuzzles him. " I wish you could have trusted me, Jay, remember I told you that what you carry is real and if you need my help carrying it you just have to ask me.  Why couldn't you do that?" She asks her words muffled by his chest. "I don't know, I guess I didn't want you to hate me if I told you what I did when I was over there '' he replies with his chin on her head. Erin lifts her head off his chest and looks at him and says “Jay you know nothing you could tell me could drive me away, you wanna know why? It's because I love you Jay Halstead and that is never gonna change, now with that being said, whenever you're ready to tell me I'll be ready to listen.
Jay hugs her back to his chest and says, "That's why I love you Erin Lindsay, and I promise to one day tell you about my past."  He seals the deal by lifting her chin with his finger and kissing her softly on the lips. Erin sighs into the kiss until she remembers that she has to tell him something and pulls away, Jay looks at her strangely, and Erin just smiles and says "I have to tell you something. I got a call from my doctor today and he told me something exciting!" Jay looks at her curiously and says "well don't leave me in suspense babe tell me!" Erin chuckles and takes his hand and puts it on her belly and looks at his face for his reaction. At first, Jay's confused, but then it starts to click for him and he starts smiling. "Are you trying to tell me you are pregnant Er?"  Erin grins and nods and replies," yeah I am Jay I'm pregnant!" Jay smiles and picks her up, swings her around, and shouts, "I'm gonna be a dad!" Erin giggles as he puts her down  and asks, " do you know how far along you are?"

Erin shakes her head no and responds, "Not yet it's too early, but we can see the baby at my appointment tomorrow at 11."  Jay smiles happily, and says, "I am so excited to start this journey with you Erin '' Erin kisses him in response but pulls back when she has a thought: he's still married, we haven't figured that out yet!  Jay watches Erin, knowing that she's thinking about something, so he asks her what she's thinking about and she responds "I'm thinking about the fact that you're still married to Abby and she didn't give you the divorce papers!" Jay looks confused for a second but then he realizes she's right. Jay understands her frustration because he feels the same way. " Erin, believe me when I say I am going to get Abby to sign the papers. Better yet, I am going to get her to sign an annulment so it can be like we were never married and you will be my one and only wife!" Jay states, trying to reassure her. Erin nods and puts her hand on his cheek and looks into his baby blues and says, "Jay of course I believe you it's just we fought so hard to be together, and now I'm scared that Abby is gonna ruin it for us." Jay's eyes soften and he pulls her towards the bed where they both sit down. He gently grabs her chin to get her to face him, and he tells her, " Erin, listen to me, Abby is not gonna ruin what we have okay? I plan to marry you one day!" Erin gasps in surprise, she was shocked that he wanted to be with her in the first place. Let alone marry her. With unshed tears in her eyes and a shaky voice, "why do you want to marry me let alone have a baby with me, Jay? I'm nothing but bad news and I got Nadia killed!"  She pulls her head from his hand and pulls her knees to her chest and begins to cry. Jay sat there unable to get the woman he loves to understand that she is worthy of love. He scoots next to her, lays down and puts his arms around her, and pulls her to his chest, she turns and nuzzles her head into his chest as the tears keep falling. Jay continues to hold her as she cries, whispering how much he loves her and their baby so much, and she deserves to be happy after everything she has been through. After a while, the tears stop and Erin begins to calm down and wipes her face on Jay's shoulder Jay looks down and says with a chuckle,    "did you just wipe your snot on me?" Erin grins and says"sorry I know it's gross" Jay just shrugs and responds "don't worry about it. Erin, you do deserve love and you deserve to be happy.  What you did is in the past and it does not define you okay? And you didn't get Nadia killed okay? A psychopath killed her. She would be so proud of you that you finally have your happy ending. And you asked me why I want to marry you. It's because I love you and I love how huge your heart is and how loving you are and how quick you are to say something sarcastic or sassy. Erin, if you need to know why  I love you, I can go all night."  Erin smiles and replies "You did pretty good!" And grabs his face and kisses him. They kiss for a while until Jay pulls away and tells her he has something for her. Jay then gets up and goes to his bag on the floor and pulls out a little red box and shows Erin what's inside, she gasps as she sees the most beautiful ring she has ever seen! She looks up at Jay in shock, Jay smiles softly and says "Instead of marrying me one day, how about you marry me today? " He gets down on one knee and says, " Erin, I am so in love with you, you make me so insanely happy, and you being pregnant with our child is just the icing on the cake, and I was wondering if you would make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"  Erin looks at him and then the ring with her hand on her mouth and nods with tears in her eyes "yes Jay, of course, I'll marry you! I love you so much!" She grabs his face and kisses him passionately! Jay smiles into the kiss but pulls back to take the ring out of the box and slides it on her finger - it fits perfectly! Erin looks at the ring again admiring its beauty, when Jay says "it was my mom's ring and she said whoever found the girl first gets the ring and I found you Er, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!" Erin smiles brightly and replies "I can't wait to spend life with you either!" She holds her hands around his neck and kisses him again and pulls him on top of her wrapping her legs around his waist. They both fall on the bed with a thud and they both giggle. Jay nuzzles their noses together and Jay holds her close and kisses her head softly. Erin sighs and breathes in his scent of cedarwood, apples, and gunpowder, it was one of her favorite smells on him. They lay there for a while and Erin is dozing off when Jay asks her something. She jolts awake and asks him to repeat it. Jay repeats his question " Do you have any ideas for baby names, you know if you ever wanted kids ?" Erin thinks for a minute and goes " You know I never wanted kids, but when I met you I knew that one day I would have a family with you, so with that being said, yes I have thought of a baby If it's a girl I want her name to be Paisley Camille, I always wanted to name my daughter after Camille because she's the best mother I've ever had and I feel like that would be the best way to honor her. And if it's a boy I would like to name him Justin Henry, after Justin and Hank, because it's because of them that I knew that it was okay to be loved. What do you think?"  Jay thinks about it for a second and goes "those names are gorgeous! I love them! And it's the perfect way to honor the woman and the men that are responsible for making you the woman you are today" Erin turns so her head is on his shoulder and  Jay smiles, kisses her lips softly, and chuckles as he hears her stomach growling. "I guess the baby is hungry huh? How about I make my famous spaghetti bake for dinner?" Erin grins and practically jumps out of the bed pulling Jay with her. As Jay walks to the kitchen and opens the fridge, as he begins to pull out ingredients he has a thought: What the hell is Voight gonna say when he finds out?  Erin notices that Jay looks a little distracted while he's cooking so she asks him what's up. "Babe? Are you okay? What are you thinking about?" Jay checks to make sure that everything is cooking before he answers. " I was thinking about how Voight is gonna react when he finds out that you're pregnant and we're engaged?" Erin's eyes widen when she realizes he's right. Erin sighs before replying “ he's not gonna be happy that’s for sure, he didn't want us together in the first place.” Jay nods in agreement but reassures her by hugging her and saying “ maybe he’ll see it as he’s getting another grandchild and he’ll be happy that his daughter is getting married to the love of her life’’ Erin sighed and melted into his embrace and whispers “ I hope you're right”  He pecks her head and let's go to get the food out out the oven. “ come on let's eat and get to bed we have a big day tomorrow” The both ate dinner quietly, both thinking about the major changes in their lives before putting the dishes away, changing their clothes then getting into bed with erins head on his chest and her arm wrapped around his stomach while he wraps his arms around her and kisses her forehead and whispers “ Sweet dreams my love, I love you and our baby.” Erin sighs happily snuggling closer to him and falls asleep in the arms of the man she loves.

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