chapter 7: bringing out the past

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Athenas pov:

It's been pretty awkward there's been a few conversations here and there but it's been very awkward

I moved my hair off my shoulders and Jessica and her mother gasped as they steared at me "what" I asked "mum look she has tattoos" Jessica whined as I just rolled my eyes "Atheana honey you should really cover those up" "MUM!"
Bax yelled

"Boy don't you yell at me" "plus" she continues "I'm just saying tattos on a girl arn't attractive at all"

While bax Jessica and there mu  fought I got a tex I looked at it and it was from Enzo

Enzo: I think your tattoos are very attractive

Me: oh please go on 

Enzo: later love  

I looked up to see Enzo smirking I was snapped out of it by Victoria (Jessica mum)

"What ate those tattoos of your at lease Dedicated to someone" I looked down

"Mum!" "Oh quiet down I'm just asking"
She stated at me "well?"

"Ummm..y..yeah there dedicated  to a friend" "well who is she" "oh wait" Jessica started "I think I know this friend of yours or should I say I knew"

baxs screens at her

"No no no it's OK it really is please don't mack a big deal about it....I.. I' know..... excuse me" I got up and left and went straight to my room

With tears in my eyes I locked my room door and went drought to the bathroom.

(Tw: self harm,abuse,rape,drugs,alcohol up ahead)

I grabbed my razer and though of everything i'v ever done 

(flash back)

"guys were all still wasted none of us should be driving" john said to us 

"come on don't be boring" stella said 

"yeah come on Atheanas not even that drunk she can drive"

"yeah come on i'm not even that drunk" i said 

(flash back over)

I cut my self so deep that it will definitely leave a scar i'll have to wear pants from now on  "I'm so sorry John" i wispered 

(flash back)

Noo! please get off me noo"    I tried every thing to get him off  me but nothing worked 

"your nothing but a needy little slut you know that" he told me  "and no one will ever love you your just a broken fucken whore"

(flash back over)

"I'm nothing but a broken whore and a needy slut" I said be for cutting myself again 

(flash back) 

It's my favourite time of day" he said as he punched  I feel back and hit my head on the wood and  it started bleeding as he punched my face over and over he then started kicking me in the stomach and i starting coughing up blood "your weak and pathic" 

(flash back over) 

I'm weak and pathic" and i cut myself again and again i then picked myself up and cleaned up all the blood so my brother and parents wouldn't find out i put a pair of long jeans on and tided myself up a bit i re-did my make up and walked out 

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