47. Hopeless

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Two days passed since Hoseok's disappearance and to say that Yoongi was angry, would be huge underestimating. The mafia boss was ready to tear with his teeth any living creature that accidentally did or said something not to his liking. He hadn't slept for more than 48 hours and it was pure hell. Whole mafia was engaged in search of Hoseok, but so far no success.

When his guards brought half-alive Soobin to him two days earlier, he couldn't believe his eyes. How was it possible? He tightly hugged the boy to his chest calming him down and thanking the God for this miracle. He was just so happy to see him again. But Soobin kept crying. No matter how Yoongi tried, he couldn't calm down the boy.

Soobin kept repeating Hoseok's name and at first Yoongi thought the boy wanted to see him. So he sent someone to bring the assassin, but no one could find him. And at that moment realization hit Yoongi like a truck. Hoseok was the one who helped the boy to escape.

The mafia boss was ready to go for killing spree. He instantly headed towards the villa with dozen of his men, however, much to their disappointment and Yoongi's rage, there was no one anymore.

After that Yoongi commanded to bring him Choi Byung-ho. Alive.

Despite Namjoon's protests, he didn't change his mind. Not when he didn't know where was Hoseok and what that bastard did to him. As expected, the male had increased number of his bodyguards and he tried to be more careful, but that of course didn't save him.

By next morning Yoongi had him locked in the basement all at his mercy. Oh lord, he certainly would enjoy breaking him until he wouldn't admit the truth. But much to his misfortune, Mr. Choi refused to be cooperative.

"I don't think you quite understand what situation you're into." Yoongi told him when male spat no in his face at the request to tell him where was Hoseok. "You don't have option of saying no. I'll kill you with no remorse."

"You won't touch me. You know that Big Boss will come after you if something happens to me. He won't leave me in here for too long, I know too much. He needs me." The man said confidently. Even though he was tied to a chair in an empty room with blood stains all over the floor, the man still didn't understand that he wasn't in control of anything at that moment.

"I don't give two fucks how much you mean to the Dragons and what kind of relationship you two have. You aren't leaving this place until you tell me where is Hoseok and who the fuck is J.M." Yoongi told him sternly, going over to the table with all kind of weapons on it. Starting from different types of knives and daggers ending with all kind of torture instruments Yoongi could think of.


"Oh, I hoped you'd say me that." He went over to the small fireplace, which was the only source of warmth in the room, but it was present there because of completely different reason. Yoongi took out of it a hot iron stick. It's head was bright red, showing how dangerously hot it was.

Byung-ho's eyes widened when Yoongi approached him with slow steps.

"Would you like to reconsider your answer?" He raised brow at the man. Mad glint behind his eyes clearly showed that he was eager to use the iron rod on the male, however, Byung-ho still stubbornly shook his head. He couldn't betray his boss.

"Okay, I suggested you anyway. Now, time for fun." Yoongi stabbed man's leg with the rod, making him scream in pure agony. He gripped man's hair lifting his head up. "By the way, tell me when you'll be ready to answer me."

They continued like that for hours. Yoongi had torn his once clear skin to pieces and he was bleeding. His blood was dripping down on the floor, the male's face was in no better condition. His nose was broken, he had deep cut on the right cheek and part if his ear shell was absent. Yoongi didn't go easy on him.

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