2.05 Prom Wrecker

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Walking down the school hallway with Jade, Jesse pauses in confusion when he sees Tori and Cat peeking around a row of lockers.

"What are they doing?" he asks.

Jade shrugs slightly. "Probably something stupid," she says flatly even as she leads the way to get answers.

The answer they get, however, is nothing they expect and definitely nothing they want to see.

"Okay. Is Andre trying to swallow that girl?" Jade asks, brow furrowed and frowning at the way Andre and his new little girlfriend are busy making out on the other side of the hall.

"No. I think they're just kissing," Cat tells her, eyes still locked on the couple.

Jesse shakes his head and deliberately turns his back to the two of them. "Andre doesn't get to say anything about me and Beck being in public again. We're practically nuns compared to... that."

Jade raises her eyebrows. "Really, Jesse?" she says doubtfully.

He thinks for a second then offers a sheepish smile. "Okay. Maybe not, but we're not that bad," he says, jerking a thumb over his shoulder to point at Andre and Sherry.

Tori nods. "Fair enough." She looks back across the room and gasps quietly when Andre starts to step away. "Here he comes. Here he comes. Don't let him know we were watching him."

"I wasn't," Jesse says flatly as Andre walks over to join them.

"What's up?"

"Nothing," Tori says casually.

Jade waves a dismissive hand. "Oh, just hanging. You know."

Cat shakes her head. "We were not watching you kiss that girl."

"Aw, Cat!" Tori exclaims while Jade hangs her head- disappointed but not surprised.

"It's alright," Andre tells them. He laughs a little, cocky as can be. "Hope y'all enjoyed the show."

Tori and Jade share an eyeroll while Jesse only levels him with a disappointed look.

"You're better than that, Andre," he tells him. "Also, for the record, you're no longer allowed to talk about me and Beck. Not after that little display."

Andre shakes his head. "Nah. It's different, man."

"How is it different?" he asks incredulously.

"Because I'm not anybody's parent," he explains with a shrug.

Jesse rolls his eyes when the others make various sounds of agreement. Before he can protest, however, Cat's phone chimes.

"Oh, it's my brother," she says as she checks her messages.

Jade gasps. "Did he get me the stuff?"

"Yeah. He said he got the clown costume, the power drill, and twelve gallons of blood."

While the others trade confused looks, Jade only looks impressed.

"Wow. Where'd he find twelve gallons of fake blood?" she asks.

Cat blinks at her. "You wanted fake blood?"

Jesse frowns and gives her a worried look. "Cat..."

"I'll go call my brother," she says, appearing entirely unconcerned as she turns and walks away with her phone already at her ear.

Jesse only frowns more. "Do you ever think we should just call the cops and have them sent to search her brother's room?"

"Yeah," Andre says easily.

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