Rapunzel's the villain??

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Mother Gothel doesn't kidnap Rapunzel until she was 5

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After the queen is save using the Sundrop~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Put her in the west tower. I don't want to see that monster ever again" King Frederic yelled at the maid holding Rapunzel. The maid did as the king told her to, all the while having a disgusted look on her face just thinking about the princess living after almost killing the queen.

After the maid got to the room she just put the baby on the bed and left. Coming back later to only feeding her enough for her stay alive.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Mother Gothel and the tower she lived in~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"They take my flower to save a princess, and don't even give me a petal back?" Mother Gothel says while thinking it was actually for the princess. "Fine!" She continued. "I'll just have to take my life force back. By taking the princess." She ended.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ five years later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mother Gothel headed towards the castle. Climbing through the window of the small princesses room to take her only to see the princesses main guard beating on her and the maids watching and laughing. "This is what you get for almost killing the queen. You deserve this to mommy killer. What  did she do to you for you to hate her so much. You weren't even born yet, you little monster." The guard said over and over as he was beating on Rapunzel.

After seeing what was going on, Mother Gothel ran into the room and grabbed the princess from off the floor. The guard was taken aback and stumbled a little only to fall on the floor, right where Rapunzel was laying. The guard and maids where surprised, but not as much as Rapunzel was. She didn't think that anyone would ever help her. She had almost killed her mom making her a sinner and a monster. "Is this how you treat your princess? She is the future ruler of this kingdom. You should treat her with respect." Mother Gothel said with obvious anger and resentment in her tone. Without listening to any other words she left the same way she came in. Just this time she has Rapunzel.

As time went on and Rapunzel started to love herself more she started to hate her biological family. She then plotted to overthrow them. And she did. The end.

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