Enigma Visit| A New Friend| AphmauAU

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Aphmau POV
Kitty was sneaking around the hub, looking around every so often. I found that strange. I started to follow her. She walked into the forest behind Pierce's house. I walked into the forest and saw her jumping into a hole. I looked the hole and didn't see Kitty. In fact, I didn't see anything. The small, open hole, in the morning, looked like the void.

I shrugged it off and started running back to my house. 'Kitty probably knows what she is doing' I thought as I left the forest.  I smile as I saw Kc and ran over to her.

Kitty's POV
I woke up this morning with the thought of going to this creepy void- why'd I do this? I sighed as I made my way to Pierce's house. I kept on looking behind me, just incase Zane or anyone else was following me. I noticed I got to Pierce's house and ran to the forest next to it.

I started placing this type of powder thing on the floor. I read on a book that this can be used to get to the void, which was the place I was going. I jumped in and closed my eye quickly after. I opened them again after 5 seconds and saw a irritated Krystal staring back at me. I also saw her Gray cat staring at me. "So much for cat's liking me!" I thought as Krystal opened her mouth to speak.

"Hello, little enigma." Krystal said, with a taste of hatred in her voice. "What's an Enigma?" I asked confused. "I'm not a live walking dictionary to come up and help you whenever you're confused Enigma. Just tell me why your here." Krystal said. "Ugh, Fine. I need your... help..." I said back, hesitating on the 'help' part.

"I if I don't accept?" Krystal asked, clearly interested in declining. 'Um... I-" I started, but was interrupted "Before you say anything about those friends of yours, I don't care enough." Krystal said, "I hate them..." I heard her mutter. I sighed. I knew full well why Krys hated them. I just couldn't find out why she disliked me as well.

"If you don't accept you would lose the chance of making everyone get their memories back!" I said, happily making something up. "Fine." Krys said, I opened my mouth to say something, but Krystal quickly added "Only because I'd like to see Ein and Kim again. Your lie is easy to see through." and petted her white cat. 

Wait... WASN'T THAT CAT GRAY BEFORE?! WHY'S IT WHITE NOW!? I thought as I jumped back through the portal, Krystal following shortly after. "You have weird magic." I simply stated as I saw the cat's fur become a dark red. "It's not weird. Just unknown to people like you." she said back, taking out a flute. 

"What are you going to do with that?" I asked confused. "I'm gonna make it seem like your in trouble." She said as she blew into it. The noise that came out of the flute sounded off pitch, annoying, loud and in all, something that sounds like my "I'm in trouble" shriek.

I heard a really loud scream as Krystal put the flute away. "How did you-" I was going to question how she did that but instead I heard Zane screaming 'KITTYYYYYYYYYYYY'. "Quiet, Enigma. We need to hide. Well I need to. You stay out here." Krystal said silently. 

I saw Zane come from behind the trees really quickly. I saw Aaron, Aphmau, Ein, Pierce, Kc, Kim, Mac and KP(Read A/N to know what that means) follow close behind. "Uhm... Hi guys... Uhm...." I said, shifting uncomfortably, eyeing Krystal as she hopped from tree to tree. 

"RK, you okay?" KP asked confused. I smiled and nodded quickly as I heard Krystal land with a thud far away from here. "I'm fine, trust me! I just uhm... Thought I saw a ghost! Yeah, a ghost!" I said quickly. KP Nodded and draged her cousin and her half cousin to her house. Aaron walked away, followed be Zane, Kc, Mac and Pierce. 

"Hey Kim~! Want to go to my home?" I asked. Kim nodded and I sighed happily and dragged Kim to my house. As we got out of the forest, I saw KP talking to a hooded lady. I wonder who that is...


Our little conversation:

 Wonder what this books about and I'm guessing that from the start of this book that I'm either going to the underground or going to another dimension again - Kitty

Yeah, your going to my home to try and get me to come to the Aph SMP to (Insert plot story I'm gonna come up with in the remake of 'A new friend') - Krys

KP = Kitty_catpup KP is your nickname for The other Kitty Stands for Kitty Pheonix

KR = Kitty_catpup this is the other Kitty's nick name for you. Stands for Kitty Ro'meave

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