The... things| A New Friend| AphmauAU

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Krystal's POV
I jumped from tree to tree, trying to get to Enigma's house. Soo I reached this Hot pink coloured house with a yellow roof. Yeah, if this isn't Enigma's house, then I'm allowed to make fun of it I thought. I threw my ender pearl threw the window. I land on my feet and looked around. I sighed but then tensed up a bit when I heard a door open. 

I rolled my eyes and calmed down a bit. 'Why in the name of Irene... Why in the WORLD should I be intimidated by these people?' I thought as I grabbed my potion bag and took out a Goo potion. I looked at a note the

Oh so you remember Aphmau? - Kitty
Nope! I gained most of my memories of High school and my childhood, But I forgot most names, and the Mystreet Season 6 thing, Irene removed the names of the people I met in case the nightmares haunt me. She let me keep the Outcast crew names though, that's why I remember you. The others (including you, you just know me from the Mystreet) still don't know though. I changed the part you asked a question about, so It makes no sense now- Krys

 I mean, no one said I couldn't attack the person with a potion! And it's not even that strong. I heard people walking up the stairs and grabbed my staff with my free hand. Then I saw Enigma and a girl with glasses. She looked at me with awe, then back at Enigma. Enigma saw the potion in my hand and gave me an expression that stated 'are you kidding me' and walked up to me. 

"Sooo... You know how I made you sneak here? Well... now you have to meet the others, so the sneaking was useless. And, PUT DOWN THE POTION!" She said, yelling the last part. Now it was my turn to give her a "Are You Kidding Me" look, then pointed at the glasses girl. "That's Kim. My sister that's not from The Ro'meaves family." She said.

Uh, explanation for that, I ship GarKim. But you, in your au, made them siblings. So to stop that from happening, I made Kim from a different family, and that family shares custody over you with the Ro'meaves family. Problem fixed :D. Also, In my Au, Garroth is Poly (I got this from a youtuber that does gacha Mystreet Season 7 that's actually good) and dates Kim and Laurence. - Krys
Alright thats fine, I don't really expect you to write in the same au as me anyway - Kitty

"Oh. Okay, lets go then." I said walking out the door. "Wait, where?" Kitty and Kim asked at the same time. "You just told me we are going to meet the other people in this neighbour hood!" I said irritated. "Oh right." Kitty said walking out the door. I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers, teleporting us to the middle of the hub. We teleported to the top of a tree.

When I teleported us there, a girl and a boy with black hair were standing there, causing us to startle them. "Kitty! Kim! Who is that?!" The boy asked. "Oh, hey Zane. Uh, one sec. Teleporting makes me nauseous-" Kitty said, jumping off the tree. "Krys, never do that again." Kitty said, becoming normal again. I nodded, jumping off the tree, Kim following afterwards. 

The black aired girl looked at me like she knew me. "Krys, meet Zane and Aphmau. Aphmau, Zane, meet Krys" Kitty said. "Aph, can you scream very loudly?" Kim asked. I gave them a confused faced, as Aphmau started shrieking. 

Suddenly everyone came out of their house, and looked at us. Everyone walked up to Aphmau and asked question to see if she was okay. Aph just pointed to me and said "Meet Krystal." They all looked at me and my demonic horns.

 "Hi?" they all said at the same time. These people seem... familiar, I thought as I answered their stupid questions. Once I finished answering their questions, it was nighttime. They all said bye and walked away. Kitty stayed and offered to help me build a house. I nodded and walked to a clear spot, and we started building.

709 Words, including the little conversations.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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