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As I was strolling lazily in the park while adjusting my mask, I felt something tugging at my pants. I looked down to see a cute little kid, trying his best to get my attention. With a warm smile, I knelt down in-front of him, and he immediately held out his bottle and whined, "Can you open this? I can't open it!"
"Sure!" I took the bottle, opened it, and as I held it back to him, he just placed his mouth on the bottle, gesturing me to feed him. Chuckling at his naughtiness and cuteness, I did what he said. And the little guy on the other hand, after taking a few big gulps, he removed his mouth, and as I placed the bottle's cap back to its place, the kid said, "Thank you for helping RoWoon! You are a nice man!"
Ruffling his hair, I said, "Well, RoWoon is a nice kid too! But, what is RoWoon doing here all alone?" But the moment I said that, he pouted. "Eomma has gone to buy me an ice-cream. And RoWoon is not a kid! RoWoon is a big boy, who goes to Play School! See!" He held out his identity card that was dangling from his neck.
As I was laughing at his cuteness and my eyes were scanning through the card, I saw something that made me freeze entirely. "His mother's name is Kim Y/N?! Y/N? He is Y/N's son?! But how come they–" But before I could dwell any deeper into my thoughts, RoWoon tugged at my sleeves and said, "Will you help me to get back on that bench? Eomma told me not to move from there."
I gazed at his irresistible big doe eyes. Picking him up, I placed him gently on the bench, and kneeling down in-front of him, I placed my palm on his fluffy cheeks, caressing it, trying to feel her through him. I was feeling numerous emotions all at once. And as I was taking in all his beautiful features, he rubbed my tears those were already rolling down. I didn't even realize when they had escaped in the first place.
RoWoon: "Are you hurt?"
Jungkook: "No. These are the tears of happiness." I pinched his chubby cheeks lovingly.
RoWoon: "You are just like my Eomma. Eomma cries too, when she is happy!"
Hearing about her, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes once again. Quickly shaking them off, I asked, "Is that so? What else does your Eomma do?"
"Eomma takes RoWoon to Play School, then to park! Eomma buys RoWoon ice-cream! Eomma tells RoWoon magical stories at night! And Eomma loves RoWoon the most!" He said everything without pausing, getting all hyped-up.
“And you too are definitely like your Eomma. All her beautiful, and breath-taking features are present in you, my dearest one. You have those same chubby cheeks like her; the sparkle in your eyes is also the deepest proof enough that you are her beautiful creation. And not to forget the joyful and confident yet cute nature. That’s the main weapon she always used back then, to capture everyone’s heart!” I kept on thinking about her, and my hands too never stopped caressing the precious little being in-front of me. But then, though my heart didn't want to, yet I uttered the words. "And what about your Appa?"
RoWoon: "Appa has gone out of town. But Eomma says that he will be back soon. I wonder when?!"
As he became a bit sad, I took out a chocolate bar from my pocket, and holding it out to him I said, "Appa will be back to you soon bae’by! How can Appa stay away for long from his darling?! But till then, RoWoon needs to be a good boy and keep Eomma happy, okay?", to which he nodded his head, and kept staring at the bar, unsure whether to take it or not. "Take it." I said gently.
RoWoon: "But Eomma will get angry."
Grabbing one of his tiny hands, I placed the bar on his palm. I could see the joy in his eyes, and his little plump lips curved up into a wide smile. He leaped on me, and pecked my cheeks, even though my mask was still on. I on the other hand, returning him a deep peck on his forehead, opened the wrapper for him, and finally stood up to leave.
As I was walking away, all the moments from my past came rushing back to me all at once. I was struggling hard to erase Y/N's face from my mind. But it became even more harder, when RoWoon's face kept flashing in-front of my eyes constantly, and I couldn't stop myself from turning around and stealing one last glimpse of his. My eyes travelled to where he was sitting. But my heart shattered, when I again saw him, or rather them.

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