The meeting

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The day started off bland. Then again, that was the same every day. I sat at my desk, tapping my foot. "When will this day end?" I thought to myself, recounting the tiles. Between the monotone voice of my teacher, and the ticking of the clock, I felt insane. "Jackson Middle School, home of the most boring things ever..." I would mumble, skimping down in my chair. The teacher didn't care, as they kept teaching.

"EVERYONE, GET DOWN!" A booming voice echoed through the classroom as a group of people in black cloaks stormed through the door. It was chaos, everyone as yelling, and threats were being called. I heard people crying, saying, 'What did I do? What did we do?'  Still, the people in black cloaks stayed. A few moments later, a teenager yelled, holding up his Rifle.

"Everyone, follow me! If you straggle, then Ill shoot!" The teenager then fired a warning shot in the air. Everyone screamed quietly, yet reamained in the herd. We all looked like cattle or sheep, being herded by our shepards.

I tried to calm down, yet I asked "What do they want from us?" To a nearby student. 

"I dont know, do you?" The student replied, their eyes wide.

"No, I dont! It's why I was asking you!" I couldn't get angry at them. Everyone was stressed, which means they weren't thinking straight. "Sorry, I was just worried." 

The kid nodded. "It's ok. I get that it."

Without knowing, we had already walked all the way to the commons area. This day had went from bland to insane in less than an hour.

We were then forced to wait. This however, left me to my thoughts. What do they want... Who are they? Being left to my thoughts wasn't a good idea.

10 minutes passed and then I herad a confidant and steady  voice yell

I told you to go dig a hole climb in it and die what part of that do you not understand? 

The crowd parted and i saw that girl who always wears a huge hoodie with the hood  up and to my surprise  she was wearing a crop top an tight leggings and she had blonde hair and blue eyes with her hair pulled back in a French braid 

You! one growled   

Yes me. She said 

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