#17. Be careful

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Jake POV:

I made my way back to my house safely and once I entered my room I was received with an angry Heeseung standing in front of the door with both of his hands on his waist.

"Where the hell have you been at this hour?" Heeseung said in a scolding tone.

I felt so bad at this moment, I just knew how disappointed Heeseung was because of me. I didn't really plan on going outside during the night but I just couldn't sleep with all the thoughts that were running through my head so I just needed some fresh air.

"Look Hees-" I was about to explain until he cut me off

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOU'RE MIND! Something could've happened to you, I trusted you, I trusted you when you said you were going to stay here" those words hit me hard, I knew he was disappointed but damn.

"I'm sorry hyung" that's all I could say right now.

"What's important is that you came back fine again, but don't you ever do something like that again understand, and I mean it Jake" I simply nodded and with that we both made our way to my room to sleep since it's been a long day.

Skip to next morning

I woke up thanks to my human alarm.


He splashed me with ice cold water. I guess he was still mad about last night so understandable.

"Get up loser and come eat breakfast, your mom made pancakes" with that being said he left downstairs leaving me behind all drenched in water.

I sat on my bed and I remembered last night's events as I smiled to myself.

She looked really cute last night

That was all I could think about.

After changing into some dry clothes I went downstairs and met with my mom and Heeseung talking while eating some pancakes.

"Morning mom" I said as I went over to her and kissed her on the cheek

"Morning sweetheart, help yourself with some pancakes I left them in the kitchen"

I nodded and went to get some breakfast and after that I went back to the dining room with both of them.

"Jake, Heeseung told me you and some other friend were planning to go to the arcade today" my mom said as I was seating down.

"Oh yes, I forgot to mention it, Can I go?" I asked with puppy eyes which usually work every time I ask for something.

My mom took a minute before responding with "only because you're cute, but you also need to promise me that you'll be careful" she said looking both me and Heeseung.

We both nodded and bid our goodbye to my mom.

We were walking outside making our way to the arcade.

"Leeknow said he's already there so let's hurry" with that we sprinted through the streets and finally arrived to the arcade.

Leeknow was waiting for us in the entrance with three tickets.

"Woah what happened did you run a marathon on your way here" he said while we tried to catch our breath.

"In a way yeah" said Heeseung, barely as he was fighting for air.

"C'mon guys let's not waste any more time and have fun" I said as I pulled them into the arcade, well it was more of a carnival since there was a lot of roller-coasters and a ferris wheel but there was also arcade games.

Irene's POV:

"Please y/n, I promise it'll be fun" I said begging to the girl standing in front of me who refused to do anything fun with her dearest friend of them all.

"Irene you know I don't like being around many people, it makes me feel even more nervous and anxious" Said y/n with a straight face.

"At least one game or one roller-coaster, please don't focus on the human or non-human thing and just have fun" I once again tried to convince her and like always she let me win.

"Fine, but let's not stay here for too long since I still have homework to do" she said.

"Girl please, it's a Saturday night so stop with the nerdy stuff and let's do some hot girl things" I said as I pulled her into the arcade.

Will their fate let them meet during their time at the carnival or is some drama about to go down?

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝙴𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝕁𝕒𝕜𝕖 × 𝕐/ℕ)Where stories live. Discover now