Part 4 - Your House

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Chad's POV

It had been a few days since Chad and Nick had been at the coffee shop together. Nick wasn't always really annoying, sometimes he was actually quite nice. Today Nick had asked to hangout at Chad's house, and Chad agreed.

Nick's POV

It had been a few days since what Nick thought was his and Chad's first date. He had finally mustered up the courage to ask him out. He was going to do it at Chad's house today.

Nick got ready as quickly as possible, throwing on a black shirt and some dark jeans. I'm going to look so emo. Once he was on his way, he texted Chad to let him know. It was a 20 minute drive.

Nick was nervous to finally see Chad's house. Soon I'll be meeting his family! He walked up the steps and knocked on the door. A few moments seemed to drag on for an eternity, until Chad opened the door.

"Hi Ni-"

"Hey Chad! Wow, your house is so nice!" Nick said, walking into the house while looking around.

After almost an hour of hanging out and talking, Chad made himself and Nick some lunch, grilled cheese sandwiches. After eating, they sat on the living room couch.

"Hey Chad, can I tell you something?" Nick said nervously.

"Sure Nick, what is it?" Chad looked curious.

Nick scooted closer to Chad, they were facing each other, and quite close. Nick leaned forward and tucked a piece of Chad's emo hair behind his ear.

Chad's POV

Bro, what is this kid doing? Chad had a slight look of confusion on his face.

"Chad, I just wanted to tell you that..." Nick paused, looking away and blushing. "I really like you Chad, like a lot, and I wanted to ask you if maybe... you want to be my boyfriend?"

What in the- is this a joke? Like what is this kid thinking?  "Um, Nick." Chad started. "I like you too... but only as a friend."

Nick's smile slowly faded into a frown as he heard those words. "But- but- who is it then? I thought you were deeply in love with me. Is there some other man you're in love with?"

Omg this kid. "No, Nick. You don't get it. I'm STRAIGHT. Meaning, I don't like guys!" Chad exclaimed.

"What do you mean you're straight? You're so hot and emo! Perfect for me." Nick protested.

"I like girls Nick, and you can't change that."

Nick ran out the door of Chad's house, crying. He got inside of his blue Jeep and continued to cry for 15 minutes until he drove himself home.

Chad turned on the TV to watch a movie. He didn't hear from Nick again.

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