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Great. Now Remus' friend is going to be killed. What he venged for, his friend to be saved, to kill Peter Pettigrew, gone. Dementors will suck his soul out of his body. Remus closed his eyes, not ready to cry. He heard crashing outside suddenly as he packed. A prominent shout was heard,"Heed my warning, Sirius Black has ESCAPED!" Remus' eyes widened. Escaped? Really? Oh! Finally.

|~ Remus manages to borrow Hedwig to give a note to Sirius...wherever he is.~|

"Hey, Harry?"

"Lupin! I thought you were leaving?"

"Will be, quite soon. Mind giving this to...Him?  You know who I mean?"

Harry gave a light grin, he could kind of tell the infatuation between the two. Especially Remus' staring at Sirius.

"Ohoh, I think I know why? What's it say, mind if I read?"


"Because It's my owl."

"I understand."

Remus handed the letter to Harry, opening it so he could read. He saw the words written clearly.

"Dear Sirius, my good friend. I miss you ever so. Wish I could see you now. I would enjoy a visit though I understand you are hiding. Please I pray to see you soon


Your good friend Remus."

"Love?! Remus, you put love? Honestly, I know its a friend thing between, but goodness, you look smitten!"

"I-I know."

"STUTTERING??? What?! You are inlove! I'll send it, however, I swear you will get with him."

END !!

I'm rewatching the movies, so probably 2 chapters per movie. I'll post the second one tommarow. Have a fantastic day!!!

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