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Maliky was reading one of the many books that lined his master's bedroom walls when the light knock at the door. Marchel walked in and started to pull him towards the nearest chair. 

"Sit still." She instructed him, and made him settle quickly. She drained the amount the lord always wanted from his pets, and packed away the her tools though she did so very rushed, so much so that Maliky made an observation and asked her about it. "What bothers you so that you act in such a manner. It is unfit for one who serves our young lord." He fell for it was her first thought, but to sell it, she told the truth of the matter. That her lord has keep Maliky due to spite and that his father has not forgotten him. She passed on the letter. She spoke in a rushed and quitted voice. Almost like she was begging him to believe her. Liam waited till Marchel was 15 minutes into her job, then took to his cue and started to shout for the maid.

The maid stood up and gathered her items but then when stuffing things in her pocket she dropped the window key and hurried out the room. She locked the door and you could hear her running towards her destination.

Maliky was too stunned to move for three seconds. Liam was approaching the room he thought till he heard Liam cussing the maid as he passed the door. He stared at the key for two more seconds till he grabbed it. He reread his father's letter, demanding that his son be returned, unharmed, unmarked. That the Lord would be held to the highest mark of the law. His father's seal still on the paper. He shed a quiet tear, and turned the key. The window didn't swing open and the fresh air didn't meet him.

The latch was unlocked, he was sure of that. How long had he been standing there he thought. Should he even leave right now? What if this was a trap? But the seal he thought and looked again. The last letter didn't have this. It was his father's handwriting, till he recalled that even though he had insulted the king his father claimed him. The king had almost called for his head, but it was his father that had pulled him out of prison and fought for him. The lord had lied, and he was ashamed to have fallen for that trick. He pushed the window open. He felt the heat of the afternoon and decided that he was not going to be some man's pet. No matter what type of man he was, he was not property. He used his master's sheets and curtains as a rope.

'If you run and I catch you, you will spend a year in my dungeon and 13 years repaying me the time I spend hunting you.'  Lytham's voice sounded in his mind as his feet touched the ground. "I am no man's pet. Why would I want that! Especially from a man like you!'  malice and hate dripped from Maliky's voice as he yelled back at the voice. 'YOU! A LIAR?! I WOULD RUN THOUSANDS OF TIMES, you insulted my father. He will always choose me. I am his son, and he is my father. You lied." Maliky took off as a roar of laughter erupted from Lytham's study. Maliky took off into the forest and ran. He needed only to get to another's lord's house. He was not marked. He could go back forget these hardships and lessons that were branded into his soul. Maliky did not stop moving, fearing his lord was right behind every tree.

Maliky forgot many things to consider in his escape. His lord had tasted his blood, the taste was burned into his nose. Lytham also did not live in human society. Living as a higher up in the vampire community, he lived in more luxury than most lords of the Royal family due to that fact. His neighbors were vampires, and the villagers were vampires and the humans here were always someone's pet. He would be hard pressed to find someone that wouldn't just kill him because he looked at them. He also didn't eat or drink anything after he was bled, so now he was feeling very faint. Despite all that he continued on moving forward, never stoping.

The moon was high in the sky with the stars all dancing in thier place when Maliky stopped to rest. He figured that he had gotten far enough that the dog that had trapped him couldn't smell him. He looked down at his feet to examine the extent of the damage. He had no shoes, they had been taken before he had boarded the pirate ship. Maliky exhaled heavily when he went to stand up. "Little boy, you smell like a food bag, tell me where did you come from?" That was not Lytham's voice, Maliky spun around to identify where it was coming from. "Oh boy, it's an unmarked runaway. Tasty, wonder if they will come for you little snack." Maliky had looked up in the trees, scanned the tree line, and focused on the back of the scenery and in front of him trying to catch the vampire. Maliky stopped when their eyes meet, in the middle of the skyline, there was a vampire in the trees. A boy, or what he thought was a boy for only a minute, till it descended down upon him. Maliky moved, he ran and the vampire laughed as he chased his snack closer to his home. Maliky was not one for a fast reaction, but he knew that if he stopped it would be worse than anything he could imagine. Out here he was prey, and a predator doesn't stop to ask it's meal how it would like to die. So he ran, and life proved to be his diving undoing, as he tripped on a root and fell into the bank of a stream. As his hands hit this the ground to steady him the boy was in front of him. He reached down and grabbed Maliky closer with supernatural strength and was about to devour his earned meal, till the sunlight gleamed and he saw a button on Maliky's shirt. Lytham was a true lord. He was in the King's ear, human and vampire. He was friends with his enemies, and those in the supernatural world will attend to him with out questions. The boy vampire dropped Maliky and threw him into the water. Of course, the runaway is his lord's. How disgraceful, but an opportunity to provide his lord with a better hunt. He  better take time to try and inform his lord, even get his permission. "Lord Lytham, of the divine's bane, I ask for a moment." The vampire was almost bowing in person as he sent the request of connection to his lord. "Granted. I am a mere 10 miles behind the boy at your feet. What is it that you want." The coldness could be felt from only a thought.."A better hunt, and a possibility to break this food bag's will, or at least crack it."

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